Goodbye, Netflix DVDs...Hello, Redbox

The announced in July goes into effect on Thursday, Sept. 1. Subscribers, now is a good time to drop your Netflix DVD service--but keep the streaming service, of course--before the $6 fee hike goes into effect.

Rather than charge $10 a month for a single plan with unlimited streaming and one DVD rental at a time, Netflix is splitting the plan in two: the streaming and DVD service will each cost $8 per month. Combined, that's $16 per month--a .

I plan to cancel the DVD portion of my Netflix service right away. Why? Because I rarely use it anyway. Given the slowness of snail mail, I can realistically watch only one DVD per week.

Here's how the process usually works: I order a disc online, and it arrives two to three days later. I watch it, return via mail to Netflix, wait another couple days for email confirmation that the disc was received, and then wait two more days for my next DVD to arrive.

The exact timetable varies, of course, but you get the idea. DVDs by mail are slooooow. Streaming has made me very impatient.

Dusty Discs