Free toolkit for system builders

Cybersource has released a free toolkit which offers system builders and whitebox hardware resellers a method for differentiating their PCs and laptops from those of top-tier hardware vendors.

By bundling a range of open source applications with hardware, systembuilders can increase the perceived value of that hardware.

Cybersource products and services manager Ron Fabre said this means increasing margins with no increase in costs.

"For system builders, the biggest medium and long-term threat comes from the brand-name (tier-1 and tier-2) vendors," he said."These big vendors buy OEM Windows licences for much less than systembuilders. This creates an unequal playing field and unfair competition for the smaller players.

"Cybersource wants to level that playing field and boost the profile of open source software in the process, so we built this toolkit."The Cybersource Systembuilder Margin Doubler Toolkit shows resellers how they can package open source software with their hardware.

Download a full copy of Systembuilder Margin Double Toolkit from: