FAA streamlines experimental space flight access

The Federal Aviation Administration today said it would streamline the environmental review part of permit applications for the launch and/or reentry of suborbital rockets to help bolster a commercial space market.

At the heart of the ruling is a document used to outline and determine the potential environmental consequences of issuing experimental permits known as the .

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The idea as the FAA explains it: Because the PEIS presents information and analysis common to reusable, suborbital rockets, the FAA could choose to tier environmental documents from the PEIS to focus on environmental impacts specific to an applicant’s proposed experimental operations. The PEIS would eliminate repetitive discussions of recurring issues and focus on issues that are ready for decision…specific to a particular launch. Individual launch operators would be required to coordinate with site operators to gain access to a site. In addition, the launch operators would be required to apply to the FAA for an experimental permit, which would require an individual safety and environmental review.

From the FAA ruling:

“The PEIS considers activities associated with the launch and reentry of reusable suborbital rockets, including pre-flight activities, flight profile (takeoff, flight, and landing), and post-flight activities.