Enerjy tool tracks developer coding behaviors

Paul Krill ist Redakteur unserer US-Schwesterpublikation InfoWorld.

Tackling the issue of code quality, Enerjy Software this week will roll out Enerjy CQ2, a product that allows development managers to monitor individual developers" coding and testing behaviors.

The product shipsc Wednesday and is intended to enable correction of software development problems before they set back projects. When development managers use Enerjy"s Precision Team Management technology in CQ2 they can monitor and modify developer behaviors.

Developers using CQ2 can review and correct errors before they are flagged on the console. Data is collected from tools that developers are already using.

"It"s almost like a dashboard for your development manager," said Nigel Cheshire, CEO at Enerjy.

CQ2 addresses growing concerns about software quality, said analyst Rikki Kirzner, a partner at Hurwitz & Associates. Software errors drive up development costs, she noted.

"Suddenly, quality has become a bigger issue than ever before," Kirzner said.

Enerjy CQ2 is intended to ensure that developers embrace code quality requirements without having to change daily processes, Enerjy said. It features a central console that provides real-time status updates, identifies coding errors, and tracks testing coverage and code quality, Enerjy said. Metrics thresholds can be set and senior management can receive detailed reports based on key performance indicators.