E-mail stalking at work

Most employees tend use the email account provided by their employer for the greater part of their email. With so many of our waking hours at work, and with out-of-hours access to our work account, many of Hong Kong's worker-drones view their "corporate" email address as their primary personal identifier.

But our networked world offers virtually unlimited scope for unscrupulous, mentally disturbed or vengeful persons to commit wrongdoing and/or havoc. E-mail stalking is one such phenomenon. It is thought to be quite limited, thankfully, in Hong Kong, but is regarded as a major problem for individuals (and enterprises) in the UK and the US.

I recently advised an individual faced with an unknown email stalker--he came to me because his employer was not providing effective assistance. I hope that employers reading this will consider how this column might shape their policies going forward.

What constitutes stalking?

The scenario follows a certain pattern, although there are many variants. An employee receives email from an unidentified source (probably a number of different free-to-use email accounts). The emails may first draw in the victim by referring to something in the person's past, in an attempt to elicit a response. Then follow various accusations (perhaps of a sexual nature, and undoubtedly defamatory); which escalate in terms of ferocity-coupled with threats of what will happen if the person does not accede to the perpetrator's demands.

All of this takes place over the employee's work email address--it has nothing to do with his employment, but it is entirely unsolicited and carries on notwithstanding that the employee does not respond. The natural reaction of the victim is to close the available avenue of communication; but in reality this is not an option. There is no express provision in one's contract of employment that one will use the email account provided to you by your employer; but it is taken for granted that that personal identifier will remain with you for the length of your employment.