Data center spending stays strong, AFCOM says

Many companies are stepping up their data center investments even as they try to make cutbacks in other parts of their business, according to survey released Monday by , the association for data center professionals.

The investments are a sign that company executives recognize the important role data centers play in their business, particularly as more services and processes go online, according to AFCOM founder and former president Len Eckhaus.

Half the respondents to AFCOM's survey said their data center budget had increased this year compared to 2007, while a third said it stayed flat and 18 percent said it declined. Forty three percent expected their budget to increase again next year, in most cases by about 10 percent.

"Part of it is because of the Internet and everything going online. Part of it is that executives these days have a better idea what their data center is doing for them," Eckhaus said.

The investments are also being driven by efforts to improve power efficiency, which can lead to savings. About 80 percent of the respondents said they expect to do more "greening initiatives" this year and next.

The results are based on responses from 312 data center professionals working mostly in the U.S., with a few in Canada, Asia and Europe. About two thirds work in IT and one third in facilities. The survey was conducted in May, before the U.S. financial crisis, but one data center manager said the results hold true for his company today.