'Damn Small Linux' Returns with a Brand-New Release Candidate

The past few months have seen a flurry of updates, and this one is certainly no exception.

What's particularly intriguing about an announcement made last Friday, however, is that it's not just an ordinary update. Rather, news of this new release signals the return of a distro that hasn't published an update in four years.

It's , specifically, and it just rolled out a first release candidate for a brand-new version 4.11.

"The changes in this release are a step toward making DSL a friendly alternative for older hardware," wrote project leader John Andrews in an last Friday. "I've fixed some bugs, updated some applications, and replaced others."

An Upgraded Web Browser

I actually wrote briefly about Damn Small Linux , when I compared it with , which at that time was No. 10 on DistroWatch's list of page-hit rankings.