Cupcakes, Accounting, and a Microsoft-Dell Makeover


"We invest in cutting-edge accounting software because that is our main focus, but not operating system or productivity applications," says Josh Balin, owner of Balin Accountancy. "These are just tools, and they work as is. There is no reason or point for us to be on the cutting edge."

Windows XP and older productivity and server platforms weren't "broken," but that doesn't mean there wasn't significant room for improvement. Employees were frustrated with the speed and performance of the older equipment. Balin also wanted better remote access capabilities and tools to cut back on paper usage.

Cupcake Royale was also interested in reducing paperwork, minimizing its carbon footprint, streamlining communication, and improving productivity so managers could spend more time focusing on their core job of making and selling cupcakes.

Making the Switch

Microsoft wanted to demonstrate the capabilities and value of its newer technologies--including better performance, collaboration, communication, and productivity. Dell wanted to demonstrate its new, more "holistic" approach to IT consulting to focus on solving problems and filling IT needs, rather than just pushing a current product line.