Christmas goodies: Python and Bluetooth


Something I really like about "Head First Python" is that it provides a bigger picture than just learning the language: It also delves into Web and mobile application development in Python, and looks at testing, Web frameworks, and touches upon the advanced features of the language.

"Head First Python" is a great place to start learning Python but be warned, even its 400+ pages only gets you so far; Python is an enormous topic. That said; this is one of the best places to start your Python education.

So what else could go under my digital tree? Well, in the delightful ear bauble department I have two Bluetooth headsets that are worth considering for your nearest and dearest … or yourself if you think you've been particularly good this year.

The first of these is the . I tested the first version of this line, the Jabra STONE, and liked it a lot, and the STONE2 appears to be a worthy successor.

The STONE2 (about $53) is impressive because, like its predecessor, this device has one of the most elegant headset designs I've seen so far – it looks more like a piece of jewelry.