Cell Phone Bans Don't Work? Try Duct Tape

A new study by the indicates that laws preventing motorists from texting or using handheld cell phones while driving haven't led to a large drop in the number of vehicle crashes. While the , let's say, for the sake of argument, that they're true.

So if bans on texting and handheld phones don't work, what's the next step? Two words: Duct tape.

We're all aware that duct tape has , and probably a lot more. Its potential as a transportation safety tool has yet to be tested, however. It's time we gave it a test drive.

I propose a federal law requiring all drivers and passengers to apply a thick strip of duct tape to their mouths upon entering a vehicle. No one could speak, of course, and the safety benefits of this simple procedure would be enormous.

Though only a partial solution, duct tape would prevent many distractions that plague drivers and lead to vehicle accidents.

Benefits of the mandatory Duct Tape Law include: