Can fan-driven ad campaign spark Palm webOS phone sales?

The team of Palm enthusiasts at has launched a crowd-sourcing project that invites other Palmophiles to create their own video ads for Palm's innovative operating system and the phones that run it.

Almost anything would be an improvement over the official ad campaign, which has been heavily criticized ()  right from the initial launch of the Palm Pre in June 2009. A launched a couple of months later by Palm's agency, Modernista!, didn't fare any better.

Palm's sales for all its webOS phones have been very disappointing. Currently, the company is shipping more phones to its carriers than the carriers are . Speculation has been swirling that the company is on a downward path toward .  

Palm earlier this year announced the latest editions to its phone line: the Palm Pre Plus and the . Developers working with webOS have high praise for its simplicity, ease of application development (mainly with Palm's toolkit and HTML, JavaScript, and Cascading Style Sheets), and .  

The webOSroundup Web site launched what it calls the PalmSpot contest with a March 17 by founder and Eeditor-in-Chief David Baxter, who also runs a small Web development company.