Business leaders rail against ministers' anti-business stance


"changes an impression that Britain is open for business to a view that the door is closing -- on talent, reward, entrepreneurial drive and ambition," Carr told a YouGov-Cambridge Symposium in London on Thursday.

"To that end, government intervention in remuneration, suggesting a 75 percent mandatory approval vote, does risk empowering minority shareholder groups, marginalising management and undermining the principles of democratic ownership. This would be a counterproductive step in good governance and business engagements," he added.

CFOs have also voiced their concerns to CFO World about what they sense as a in the UK.

last month told CFO World: "If you are an overseas company looking to invest in the UK and you just read the headlines in the British press it's hard to say that Britain isn't anti-business."

, told CFO World in March that the anti-business sentiment in the UK "troubles" her.