Anonymous may shift Wikileaks tactics away from DDoS attacks

Computer hackers, thought to be affiliated with the Anonymous group, have organised a campaign to upload unpublished Wikileaks cables all over the internet.

Under a plan called Operation Leakspin, the hackers will attempt to access all of the Wikileaks cables, sift through them and publish the most dramatic ones across the web.

The move may mark a shift in tactics, after hackers reportedly abandoned a planned denial of service attack on Amazon, due to a lack of resources. Amazon became a planned target after it refused to offer cloud services to Wikileaks.

On the social news site, Operation Leakspin is the , only five hours after its inception. The users of the site have already dedicated a page to the .

Many of the most damning cables have already been revealed by newspapers, whose editors have co-ordinated the release with Wikileaks. But the majority of the over 250,000 cables are not yet public.