Zynga Acquires OMGPOP, Maker of 'Draw Something'

Zynga, such as FarmVille and , has sought-after game to its name--"Draw Something"--in its acquisition of startup OMGPOP Wednesday.

Financial terms haven't been disclosed, but OMGPOP has been shopping itself around over the last few weeks, and speculates the deal may have closed in the range of $150 to $250 million.

Draw Something was launched just six weeks ago, but it's already taken the Apple App Store and Google Play by storm with over 35 million downloads, according to a statement by Zynga.

Draw Something is an addictive, interactive mobile game, similar to Pictionary. In Draw Something, one user doodles while other users guess at what's being drawn.

"The game will stay true to you and what you love, and it's my solemn vow that the magic of Draw Something will not change," OMGPOP CEO Dan Porter assured fans in a statement.

OMGPOP started out as iminlikewithyou, a social network where users met and played games, and grew into its own site, OMGPOP.com, in 2009. Draw Something is by far OMGPOP's biggest game, and is available on iOS, Android, and Facebook.

OMGPOP will remain based in New York City, though is headquartered in San Francisco. Dan Porter will be the VP and general manager of Zynga New York.