Xerox CEO looks to move beyond copiers

Mention 'Xerox' and most people think of copiers. Even though the Stamford, Conn.-based company certainly hasn't disbanded support and development of its office systems mainstay, it has aggressively pushed into other high-growth areas such as document management services under the leadership of chairman and CEO Anne M. Mulcahy. The strategy appears to be paying off. For the second quarter, overall revenues at Xerox grew just 1 percent. However, it saw a 16 percent increase in post-sale revenues of its color products and 5 percent growth in post-sale global services sales.

Mulcahy, who joined Xerox as a sales representative in 1976, is also pushing the company's sales force to convey to CIOs the importance of having a document management strategy. Computerworld's Thomas Hoffman spoke with Mulcahy Friday after she made a presentation to industry analysts in New York on the company's performance and growth strategy. Excerpts from that interview follow:

How's business? Are there any forecasts you can share from the analyst presentation you gave this morning? I can't talk about that (financials) because we're in the middle of the (third) quarter. But I essentially highlighted what we're doing here to focus on sources of (revenue) growth and income for the company going forward, such as new office products that expand our reach in the channel and offer the customers new value. I also talked about our drive into services. So it was really highlighting the focus areas that are driving our growth strategy.

What recent steps has Xerox taken to expand customer awareness that it's more than just a copier company? I'd start at the top of the curve and talk about advertising and marketing and positioning. The vast majority of the marketing we're doing is allowing customers speak about the value we're bringing to them. You may have also seen some of our TV ads around archiving and office assessments. We're solving the big problems that customers have with document management. CIOs are a big constituency. We have an integrated force that's doing a good job of covering the market and staying in touch with CIOs and CFOs in terms of having a document management strategy.

If you go back five or more years ago, CIOs were the gatekeepers of corporate IT spending. Since then, technology companies have increasingly targeted their sales and marketing efforts towards CEOs, CFOs and business unit leaders. What's your approach at Xerox? I think the reason why it's not exclusively CIO territory is that many of the solutions are business-process driven and not pure technology plays. When it comes to things like our office solutions suite, CFOs have a huge vested interest because it's a way to get control over the office infrastructure and get significant savings. When you talk about some of the marketing processes and business collateral, it becomes more of a business-led approach. It's no longer a single executive who drives a lot of these solutions and it changes company to company.

It's really important to know your customer and where their pain points are and to pinpoint your strategy to what you can bring to the table to bring value to the customer.

In June, Palm ended a nine-year IP battle with Xerox involving technology Xerox developed to write notes on a touch screen of a PDA. What are some other technology innovations that Xerox is working on that consumers might not necessarily associate with the company? There are a lot of technologies that we're working on that get embedded in our solutions that might not be standalone products. DocuShare is one of the leading document management systems on the market. OCR and compression technologies and linguistic technologies are becoming hugely important. Even in our media labs, we're doing things around printing silicon chips which can change the very nature of that technology.

You've been the CEO of Xerox since August 2001. At a time when there's been such high turnover among chief executives, to what do you attribute your relative longevity? I just read somewhere that the average tenure for a CEO is now less than three years. It's amazing. I'd like to attribute it to a lot of things, but I think it's actually performance. I think the facts speak for themselves. Certainly it's driven by Team Xerox, not Anne Mulcahy, as the company has delivered improved results over the past five years. We had been losing hundreds of millions of dollars and have turned that around. I wake up every day and know than none of us can rest on our laurels. Team Xerox has delivered.

You've said that your title should be 'Chief Communications Officer' because of the importance of listening to customers and employees. One of the biggest challenges for IT managers is their ability to communicate with business leaders in a language they understand. What recommendations can you give to IT managers to do this more effectively? I actually think it's very similar to what we tell our salespeople -- you need to know your customers' business and their business problems. When you know where their pain points are, you can help them through the technologies and solutions we have available.

For many years, CIOs were focused on trying to cut costs and improve efficiencies. Now it's about delivering business value. They've got to go where the business knowledge is.