X-Men First Class Trailer Dissected

The was recently released. The GamePro editors are huge movie buffs and big fans of Marvel's super team of mutants, but some editors are more excited for this prequel than others. Read on for our thoughts then leave your own comments for a chance to win a prize.

One random commenter will be chosen to win a prize, so let us know what you think about the trailer. You can leave more than one comment, but only your first one will be counted towards the contest. The prize is a DS copy of Plants Vs. Zombies, which has nothing to do with superheroes, but is still a pretty awesome prize anyway.

Will see it in theaters

: After the abysmal X-Men Origins: Wolverine (which was preceded by the equally underwhelming X-Men: The Last Stand) it's nice to see Bryan Singer back on board with the franchise. The trailer was a bit boring overall, but some of the cameos in this First Class trailer got me excited: Nightcrawler's father, Azazel; Havok; Mystique; and of course, our young Professor X and Magneto. While McAvoy was a bit silly in Wanted, he was great in The Last King of Scotland, so I can see him pulling off the young Charles. You can bet that I'll be checking this out when it releases later this year.

: I'll admit that I couldn't care less about yet another X-men movie, especially after the disgustingly sappy X-Men: The Last Stand and the so-so X-2. That is, until I watched this trailer, which makes X-Men First Class look like it could turn out to be the most serious X-Men entry yet. Who know, it could be complete crap. I'm intrigued nonetheless. And sometimes origins stories can make for some of the best movies. Batman: Begins, especially the first half centered around how Batman came to be, is my all time favorite movie based on a comic. Though the apparent lack of Wolverine in the new movie is troubling.

Is optimistically cautious

: Loved the first two X-Men movies, but didn't enjoy the third one as much. This looks like it might be a return to form, though. It certainly has an interesting concept and because it's a new take on the team, there probably isn't the pressure on the director to out-do what has come before it. So instead of totally stupid things like surfing the Golden Gate Bridge across the bay, we get flying submarines, which feels a little more within the realm of the X-Men universe.

Will probably wait until it hits Netflix

: This one was obviously made for hardcore X-Men fans---a group I do not count myself among. Don't get me wrong--I'll watch just about every comic-book movie put to market, but I don't really have the time and energy to invest into reading up on their stories. I saw maybe five characters I recognized, and besides the Prof & , I don't really care about their origin stories. I know there'll be a more mass-market trailer that introduces the principal characters in a way that a comic book-culture plebian like myself (who found all four X-Men movies of the last decades passable) can understand, but for now I'll probably watch this one a few times to understand exactly what the hell is going on.

: Something like "cautious optimism" met with "cautious skepticism." For a while there it seemed like we were hearing a new First Class casting update every damn week, which worried me then that it would become another case of too many cooks/mutants in the kitchen -- read: X-Men 3, or the last hour of Origins: Wolverine. But then again, I didn't care for the Kick-Ass comics, but thought Matthew Vaughn did a fantastic job with the movie adaptation. Here's hoping First Class works towards curing the X-Men film's horrible case of convoluted prequel-itis.

Drinking the haterade

: I'm not excited for this at all. I think X3 burnt the love of X-Men movies right out of me, and this trailer didn't do anything to change that. Come to think of it, I'm not excited for any of the superhero movies that are coming out, including Thor, Captain America, and Green Lantern. Maybe I'm just jaded. I really do wish someone would make a proper movie based on Hellblazer. Now that, I'd pay to see.