Wolverine Origins full of limb severing, 'exposed organs'

The upcoming X-Men Origins: Wolverine film is a strictly PG-13-rated affair. But the upcoming Wolverine game by Raven Software will push the boundaries of the Mature rating with limb severings, gushing blood, and "exposed vital organs."

Minutes ago, the PlayStation Blog held a with developer Raven Software. The topic quickly turned to 's Mature rating and copious bloodletting, a far cry from the film's more sanitized PG-13 rating.

In fact, the Wolverine game is so violent that some people involved are "a little scared," according to developer Dan Vondrak. Vondrak's key quotes on the matter are presented below.

"Honestly I'm pretty upset at how little the showed of the gore. What was in the trailer is like 25% of what the game is all about. You chop off limbs, slice people in half, cut off legs -- it's amazing...."

"As far as the Mature thing goes, we set out to make this game with one vision in our minds: A brutal savage Wolverine, the guy that busts out of Weapon X like a monster. And that's what you're going to get...."

"I wish we had more control here at Raven on what was shown of the game so far -- I think some people are a little scared at just how gory the game is...."

"Wolverine doesn't die, but he can fall unconscious. We've developed a system of "Health and Vitals" -- your main health is represented by your skin and muscle layer, once that gets ripped away your "vitals" are exposed. If your vitals take enough damage then Wolverine will drop unconscious just like he does in the comics. It is AWESOME to see all the muscle and skin heal up in real time, it was a major focus on development early on..."

"Again it really pisses me off that you guys got to see a watered down trailer. I mean the gameplay in the trailer is great but I wish that certain companies involved are forcing us to hold back content for the game. If you guys could see half the stuff Wolverine could do -- no one would wonder if this game was gory or not."

Click to read the full chat transcript, courtesy of the PlayStation Blog.