Unreal Has Been Neglected for Too Long, Epic Says

Is Epic thinking about revisiting the Unreal franchise?

If comments by president Mike Capps are anything to go by, the studio is ready to revive the series that helped put it on the map.

"It's been a long time since we shipped an Unreal game, and it's an awfully loved franchise that we hold pretty dear here. We haven't been giving it the attention it deserves because we've been focusing on Gears of War and we're still a relatively small company," Capps told .

He joked, "At some point you wonder why we don't rename the engine the Gears Engine or something."

The last time we saw an Unreal game was in 2007, when Epic released Unreal Tournament III for the PC, and later the Xbox 360 and PS3.

Right now, they're prepping Gears of War III for release in the fall. But with Gears out of the way, it's looking more and more likely that Epic will be going back to Unreal.

This article originally appeared on GamePro.com as