Under the Gavel: Mighty fines

It seems like hardly a day goes by without Apple and its competitors taking various legal actions against each other. We round them up--the legal actions, not the companies--and summarize them for you in a little intermittent segment we like to call "Under the Gavel." You must provide that distinctive "DUN DUN" on your own.

This time, the claim is that Macs, iPads, iPhones, and iPods all infringe upon HTC's patents, and HTC isn't asking for much: Just an injunction barring the import or sale of those products. The two companies are also reportedly in talks to costar in a remake of .

Earlier in August, Apple successfully sought an injunction . Now, , at least until an August 25 hearing on the matter. So, attention European readers:

Apparently, you can't gather personal data from children in your iOS app and get away with it. , the parent company of developer Broken Thumbs Apps--maker of kid-focused apps like Emily's Girl World App, Emily's Dress Up, Zombie Duck Hunt, and Truth or Dare. The FTC ruled that because the apps targeted children, gathered personal data, and sent that data over the Internet, they violated the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act. There's been no ruling yet from the FCOZDTTAGNE. (That's the Federal Commission Of Zombies, Ducks, Truth-Tellers, And Girls Named Emily.)