Twitter Mood Light Tells You How the World Is Feeling

Are you ever wondering how the world is doing when you wake up in the morning? Now you can by looking at your --you'll know whether the world is feeling particularly angry, happy, loving, fearful, envious, surprised, sad, or even extreme fear. All you need to do is build one.


The Twitter Mood Light is a project posted on by Instructables member , who describes himself as "a news junkie who wants to know everything that's going on in the world as soon as it happens." If you're like RandomMatrix The World Mood in a Box is right for you.

The mood light runs on an board, a wireless module, an RGB LED, and a 9v battery, and the mood light determines the mood by searching tweets around the world. Once the mood light has been built it doesn't even need to be connected to a computer; it just needs to connect to any wireless network using the WiFly module.

Once the mood light is connected, it searches Twitter for emotions and displays "Red for Anger, Yellow for Happy, Pink for Love, White for Fear, Green for Envy, Orange for Surprise, and Blue for Sadness." If the light flashes any of the given colors that means that the world may have experienced a major event causing strong emotional reactions.

You can build your own by following the instructions on and utilizing the free source code.

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