These Lego Wigs Will Certainly Give You That Geek Chic Look

It's one thing to ask your hairdresser for a fun, new hairstyle, but these are something else completely.

The Lego wig set is part of an ad campaign by Holland-based design company . In addition to the "blonde" wig above, the team also photographed a redhead crop and an afro style. Each of these wigs were placed carefully on top of the models' heads, who then had to make sure they were pretty balanced to keep the whole thing falling off.

Sadly, there's not a lot of information regarding how many bricks these took to make, so feel free to hazard a guess in the comments. There are a number of benefits to having Lego hair, I suppose: you earn geek cred, it's easy to style and it grows in seconds, you don't have to worry about split ends, you don't have to get it cut, and you can attach random Lego pieces as accessories. Unlike real hair, this would probably get quite heavy and I can't think of a good way to firmly attach it to your head.

Still, it's certainly one way of boldly advertising your product. Check out the full gallery on Elroy Klee's .

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