The Week in iOS Apps: Hulk out!

This weeks roundup of iOS apps offers ways to Hulk out, enjoy the start of football season, and carefully plan your divorce. Yeah, that last ones a bummerbut also a reminder of how the iPhone and iPad are creeping into every nook and cranny of our lives.

Already this week, we brought you roundups of the best and . We also told you about the very first iOS client for the social media network, .

Other new and updated apps that caught our eye this week:

HULK SMASH! (Clears throat) Actually, what we meant to say is that the Hulk a smash in this from Marvel Entertainment. The storyline is that the worlds most dangerous monsters and criminals have busted out of S.H.I.E.L.Ds holding pen in the Rocky Mountains, and the Hulk is tasked with rounding them up. Marvel promises that the game will evolve over time, suggesting that Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America will join the adventure in the near future.

: When the remnants of this once-prominent social news service were sold for a earlier this year, the widespread assumption was that Digg was dead. Instead the service is trying to reinvent itself as a pioneer of a burgeoning slow news movementsomething closer to Zite than the newsranking service it used to be. The latest updates to put that evolution on display, letting users read top stories and share them to Facebook and Twitter, yes, but also save them to Instapaper and Pocket for later, more contemplative reading. The app also includes a new Paperboy featurejust tell it where your home is, and everytime you leave, itll download the latest news for offline reading on your commute. Ya Digg?

: Workplace project managers are getting a little more iPad help, now that AEC Software has launched the $10 productivity app for iPada companion to its software for personal computers. The app lets users track project progress, schedule tasks and deadlines, view dashboard overviews of whats been done and what is left to do, and share those dashboards as PDFs and PNGs via Dropbox and other sharing services.

: Its back-to-school time, which makes it a great time to pick up this free iPad app from James Duncan. lets students download syllabi from their classes, then enter the grades they get on each project in that classallowing them to track their likely end-of-semester grade in real time. A temperature gauge even tracks your performance compared to your classmates, letting you know just how much work you have to do to spring to the head of the class.

: Yes, Hurricane Isaac has come and gone, but Mother Nature could always have more storms up her sleeve. Thats why folks in storm-prone areas might find useful: It lets users monitor weather conditions in their area, find Red Cross shelters when disaster strikes, and customize Im safe alerts to let friends and family on Facebook and Twitter know that youve endured. Theres even a step-by-step guide to storm survival thats available for offline usejust in case the hurricane leaves you without a Wi-Fi or cellular data connection.

Were used to thinking of the iPad as a joyful device, but its become so prevalent in so many sectors of society that it naturally gets used for grimmer tasks as well. The $10 app for iPad is built for one of those tasksthe end of marriage. Couples that are splitting up can use the touchscreen to drag and drop icons representing their community property, divvying up who gets the CDs and who gets the bookshelves. Developer George Moskoff suggests that using the app can save on attorneys feesbut thats probably true only if the split is relatively amicable.

Are you ready for some football? Your iPad is, thanks to two new apps. The free lets you track scores, watch full gamesonly after the fact, not liveand includes a Telestrator feature so you can diagram the action. For full video access, though, youll have to pay $70 for a full-season pass. And if you want to add an extra layer of game to your game, theres also the new for iPadwhich, as you may have guessed, lets you play fantasy football.

has been upgraded for Retina support & has launched to feature that sites crowdsourcing projects & and has been revamped with a greater emphasis on featuring photos on the main pages.