The Top 8 Future-Tech Stories of 2010

Happy (almost) 2011! 2010 has been a fun year in tech, especially when it comes to future tech. This year we saw a number of exciting, useful, and in some cases, downright weird new technologies emerge. We haven't quite reached Back to the Future Part II's vision of the 21st Century, but, well, we're . Without further ado, here's our top eight future-tech developments of 2010, in no particular order...

may still be a novelty, but that might not be the case for long. This year we spotted a , , a 3D printer , and even ! But perhaps the most disconcerting 3D-printing development was --clearly, robots just don't need us humans any longer. The next thing you know, they'll be .

Biotech and computer science collided numerous times in 2010. Will future computers ? Might in the future? Or perhaps it'll ? Not impressed? Just wait until rat neurons power robots.

OK...maybe we're not Borg just yet, but human-machine integration is closer than ever. A New Zealand company developed a set of , But exoskeletons are only part of the equation: Researchers are working on . And thanks to and , we could be moving closer to telekinesis of sorts. Of course, if you want to try mind-controlled tech for yourself, you can give , or .

2010 was the year where we really started to see what . We saw HTML5 used for to to . Some musicians even HTML5-based interactive music videos. Like every new technology, there are things that still need to be hashed out. In the case of HTML5, there's over to use. And we're seeing how HTML5 can be misused to .

In any case, watch this space; HTML5 is just getting started.

It's hard to say whether 3D HDTV may be a passing fad or have long-term staying power, but that hasn't stopped the development of in 2010. These screens can display a 3D image without forcing you to weak dorky glasses. You likely won't find an autostereoscopic 42-inch LCD HDTV in stores anytime soon, but the technology is finding a place in smaller devices and . Nintendo is also using the technology in its portable gaming console.

But why settle for 3D when you can have holograms? In 2010, as part of its bid for the 2022 FIFA World Cup, Japan proposed . Sadly, , but we could still see holographic TVs sometime . Until then, we'll just have to settle for ...

Maybe we're overstating graphene's capabilities here--it can't make you breakfast--but this wonder material made waves in 2010. Thanks to , , and so-called future gadgets could end up being a whole lot more poweful, and they , too.

Did we mention that graphene ?

What's a future-tech story without the obligatory mention of the car of the future? If 2010's developments are any indication, it'll , , , and be . , eat your heart out.

OK, we're not quite sure about that last one--the .

What will the future hold? What will 2011 bring? That's anyone's guess, but feel free to make your own predictions in the comments.

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