The top 10 stories in IT this week

Oracle's lawsuit against SAP, alleging intellectual-property theft by SAP's former subsidiary TomorrowNow, went to trial this week, garnering daily headlines out of the U.S. District Court in Oakland, California. Otherwise, as is so often the case, security-related stories captured interest, and the U.S. midterm elections provoked questions about network neutrality's future, among other issues.

1. and : SAP has admitted that TomorrowNow inappropriately downloaded Oracle materials at the heart of the lawsuit, so testimony has turned on how much the German company should be fined for those actions. Which takes us to our second entry for the week ...

2. : Former SAP chief Leo Apotheker, who officially took over as Hewlett-Packard CEO Monday, is on Oracle's witness list, but he is apparently staying away from the U.S.

3. : It was only a matter of time before this sort of Android attack surfaced -- a researcher released code that can be used to attack older versions of the mobile-phone operating system via the Web.

4. , and : Tuesday's U.S. midterm elections brought sweeping changes to the House of Representatives -- if not to California -- and pushed to the forefront both the use of social networks by candidates and political parties, and questions about what will happen with network neutrality.

5. : Oracle made news outside of the courtroom with another huge acquisition, scooping up e-commerce vendor Art Technology Group.

6. : Google's latest Street View miscue occurred in Germany, where images of homes were clearly visible rather than blurred. Granted, only five homes in Oberstaufen were visible briefly before the images were blurred, but the incident indicates that the company has not yet got the kinks worked out of its Street View service, despite all of the problems the service has caused.

7. : Wasting no time under Apotheker's leadership, HP rolled out a companywide initiative aimed at taking the complexity out of IT and making the company more responsive to customers. Perhaps his "disappearance" is because he's out, you know, responding to customers?

8. : Well, we've long suspected that some 4G claims were nothing more than marketing hype.

9. : Google expanded its bounty program, inviting researchers to sniff around in various of its applications, including YouTube, to look for vulnerabilities.

10. : The Black Hat security conference kicks off Monday in Abu Dhabi -- its first time in the United Arab Emirates -- in what is sure to be a fascinating look at research into malware, exploits and other sources of computer mayhem.