Sony confirms new levels for LittleBigPlanet

We ask associate producer Eric Fong five questions to find out what's next for LittleBigPlanet, including new developer levels and the ability to sell your creations.

GamePro: Will Media Molecule continue to release new levels?

Eric Fong: Yes, Media Molecule is continuing to add to the player experience with new levels, costumes, materials, and a host of other content.

How will you ensure that players find the best user-created levels?

There is a slew of metrics we monitor to help point players in the right direction, including how many people have "Hearted" a level and/or creator, how often a level is played, user comments, "tagging" etc. The cream will literally rise to the top as popular levels take up more real-estate in the game.

Would you consider adding an option to more radically shift the perspective of the camera, say for like a top-down shooter?

Not a present, but there are certainly creative ways you could do something similar with the current perspective.

Will "power-ups" or "weapons" ever be added?

In our opinion, the spirit of LittleBigPlanet was to "figure ways around obstacles" and less about blowing stuff up, though certainly a player can already create their own experience to include missile launchers and the like.

When will users be able to "sell" their creations for real money, ?

There are still a lot of details that need to be worked out, that's pretty much all I can say at this point.