Siemens holds automation and drives week

18.08.2005 von April B.

Energy consumption is a major concern of most industries today. With operational costs getting more and more expensive, companies are looking for ways in order to deliver services at a cost-efficient price. Automation allows technologies to increasingly merge which makes it possible to improve productivity and competitiveness. This is the reason why interest in process automation has been steadily mounting.

To address the growing interest in automation and to foster company-client relations, Siemens recently held its Automation and Drives (A&D) week. The exhibit showcased the product innovations and technologies for the construction, manufacturing, and process industries.

?Through the Siemens A&D week, we affirm our commitment with to deliver world-class products and systems with local solution expertise and strategic relationships with our business partners in strengthening our service capabilities,? said Buddy Bonifacio, senior vice president for A&D at Siemens

Inspired by the Hannover industrial technology fair in Germany, the exhibits displayed the latest technology products and systems -- programmable logic controllers, industrial networks, motion control systems, and PABX telephone systems -- that can make the most impact on local industries.

?Our Siemens innovations for the construction, manufacturing, and process industries have been essential in helping our industrial customers become globally competitive,? explained Bonifacio.

A series of technical seminars for participants was also part of the A&D week. These seminars focused on four different major areas: factory automation, continuous batch and process automation, electrical engineering technology, and energy management and optimization.

?Siemens brings to A&D week the knowledge of experts around the world. We bring in the insights of our Center of Competence in Singapore to familiarize prospective clients with our products, and at the same time, to help our clients with their concerns about our products,? Tertius Vermeulen, president and CEO at Siemens, stated.

To prove the worldwide coverage of Siemens, Vermeulen even stated that Siemens is short of two country offices to compete with that of Coca Cola?s reach. ?You can find us in 192 countries, Coca Cola can be found in 194 countries. So basically, wherever you buy coke, Siemens is there,? added Vermeulen

Along with seminars, the A&D week also held product demonstrations such as the Micro Automation equipment, the Profinet open industrial Ethernet networking standard, the Sinamics G150 low voltage drive converter exhibition model, and the totally integrated automation model.

Fellowship Nights capped the daily activities. The fellowship night fair is a facsimile of the German beer festival where the participants can avail of free-flowing beer and music while fostering communication among themselves on a non-business level.

The networking activities in between seminars and during fellowship nights, according to Bonifacio, promoted a venue for an ongoing dialogue with Siemens customers. Bonifacio added that with this communication with their customers will help the company better address its customers? needs.