Shark Tank: Undocumented

This company's quality department has a reputation for zealously enforcing its hard-won ISO 9000 certification, according to an IT support pilot fish.

"They're well known for giving ISO audit findings to departments that do not follow or adhere to ISO procedures," grumbles fish.

But this fish doesn't hold a grudge. And when he gets a call from the quality guys at his division, he's ready to help. The problem: They can't access any of their ISO documentation, which is all supposed to be on a particular intranet site.

Fish doesn't know what's going on, but he starts looking. And eventually he hunts it down.

"It seems someone in the quality department hierarchy decided to move the ISO Web site to a different location entirely and not tell anyone on the front lines, especially the people who work in the quality department," fish says.

"When we eventually found the data, it was laid out in a totally different format, and the local quality people didn't know where anything was.

"The quality department now has an ISO finding charged against it for not properly documenting the intranet Web site change."