Shark Tank: Getting it

This pilot fish heads up a small programming group that's developing analytic programs for a Wall Street firm.

"We not only handled all the programming, but also general tech support -- fixing terminals, phones and other broken equipment for 100-plus bond traders and sales people," says fish.

"Needless to say, we were constantly interrupted, to the tune of 30 to 40 requests a day."

Unfortunately, not everyone understands the challenging environment. In fact, the loudest critic of fish's group constantly complains that the programmers don't get anything done, they don't know how to prioritize their work, and generally they don't know what they're doing.

Then comes a reorganization -- and who should end up with oversight responsibility for fish's group? Who else but the critic.

And he knows just how to straighten out this crew. "In his new role, he wanted to know everything we were doing and approve every request," fish says.

"So as users called for things to be fixed or for new programs, I told them to call my new boss directly.

"After three days of this, he called me into his office and said, 'OK, I get it.' He let us manage things ourselves after that.

"He also became our biggest supporter and helped us get the resources we needed to effectively support the traders."

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