Remains of the Day: Potent potables

After two days in the capable hands of Messrs. and , you're stuck with me again. Just in time to talk cloud licensing (the legal distinctions between stratus and cumulonimbus are really quite fascinating), Verizon's tiered data plans (your choice of large, extra large, or patently ridiculous), and Apple's latest trademark defense (what is this "App Store" of which you speak?). You're in good hands with the remainders for Friday, May 20, 2011.


Three of the four major record labels have supposedly signed on to , the latest addition being Sony. Fortunately, Apple rode roughshod over the company's insistence that Sony music only be streamed in .


Verizon is preparing to follow up on earlier promises to , but part of that equation may be family data plans. Under such plans, families could conceivably pay for a single pool of data to share among multiple users and multiple devices. Of course, they'll probably require you to validate that you're family--call it the DataGenePoolPlus plan.


Apple hasn't yet backed down on its attempt fighting off its impending generalization. In its latest legal defense, the company's crack legal team writes "Apple denies that, based on their common meaning, the words 'app store' together denote a store for apps." I mean, there are so many other things the words could refer to. Like a playground. Or a toaster strudel.


In , Apple and Google reiterated their stances on mobile privacy, this time joined by Facebook. "Apple does not track users' locations--Apple has never done so and has no plans to ever do so," testified Catherine Novelli, Apple's vice president of government affairs. Sure, whatever--that's what Steve Jobs said about a video-playing iPod.