Remains of the Day: Mr. CEO, tear down these walls!

It’s the end of the week, and Steve Jobs still hasn’t been abducted by aliens—though he did finally tear his old house down. These are your remainders for Friday, February 18, 2011.


You’d expect Gizmodo, the Website that will cross to get at Apple’s latest secrets, would celebrate whenever Apple tears down its walls. This time, the walls weren’t metaphoric, as the site showcased exclusive photos of Apple CEO Steve Jobs’s demolished home. since before the first iPod was born.


When The White House isn’t busy working, it tweets—just like all of us. The President’s home tweeted a photo from , including Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and, of course, Steve Jobs. The presence of Mr. Jobs—or, at least, his back—in the photo would seem to discredit the latest tabloid reports that he has been abducted by aliens resembling Jamie Farr.

(Patently Apple)

Another day, another newly discovered Apple patent. This “Smart Bezel” patent application details a Home button-less iPad, along with a reconfigurable touch interface for MacBooks. You would use swipes and other gestures to control your devices, and wonder how we ever suffered through the atrocity that is tacile keys.

(The Motley Fool)

The founders of a chain called BJ’s Restaurants are now looking to put an iPad on every restaurant table. They want to use iPads to take food orders, with no waitstaff involved. In the battle of burger grease versus the iPad’s oleophobic coating, I’m giving the edge to the burger.