Remains of the Day: Lost in time

Apple's new technology may literally be ahead of its time; a newly discovered internal video sent Apple staff in time; and despite a big Wednesday payout, one senior executive still has a little time on his stock clock. It's time to face the remainders for Wednesday, May 2, 2012.


Don't get too excited for those just yet: According to Atakan Peker, one of the inventors of the substance, Apple's still several years off from being able to manufacture anything. That said, it still may pop up sooner than expected--because if there's anything we already know about liquidmetal, it rather enjoys .

(Network World)

We've seen Apple peer into the future, but how about the past? Former Apple employee Craig Elliott provided Network World with an eight-minute short film, made for a sales meeting, shortly after the Macintosh's launch. Set in 1944, it puts the little computer on one side of World War II, with former vice president of marketing Mike Murray guiding the way as The General and Steve as FDR himself. All I can say is, if you've been missing the "Steve Jobs plays a former U.S. president in a soon-to-be-viral-video" square on your Apple bingo card, now's the time to fill it in.


Scott Forstall made himself a cool $38.7 million on Wednesday, after the senior vice president of iOS software cashed in around 64,000 Apple shares, or 95 percent of his currently vested stock. To those worried about Forstall's imminent departure, however, stay calm: He still has an additional 250,000 restricted stock units, which won't start vesting until 2013. Besides, he still has to sell Tim Cook on the brilliance of the .