Remains of the Day: Instagone

A high-profile user departs Instagram, Apple wants its day in court, and Greenpeace quizzes a couple of giants about their energy hygiene. The remainders for Thursday, April 19, 2012, are picture perfect.


Apple senior vice president of marketing Phil Schiller is no longer rocking Instagram, it seems. A perceptive user of the photo-sharing service noticed that the exec's account was nowhere to be found. When the user inquired, Schiller reportedly responded that Instagram had "'jumped the shark' when it went to Android." Hey, if anybody knows about shark-jumping it's .


When it comes to , Apple is not about to go quietly into that good night. The company's lawyer said before a judge on Wednesday that the case should "be decided on the merits." Look, people, if Apple had really set out to prices, do you think they'd still be broken?


Greenpeace put up a banner on a building near Amazon's headquarters in Seattle, asking the online retailer (as well as local tech giant Microsoft) "How clean is your cloud?" It's part of the organization's protest over the kind of energy being used to power companies' data centers. But, but, how do you get cleaner than ?