Perfect Dark XBLA producer

The internet worked itself up a little bit last week over news about Perfect Dark for Xbox Live Arcade including classic Nintendo 64 GoldenEye content. Rather than rush to the presses with the info, we tracked down XBLA Producer Nick Ferguson for a mini-interview about what else GoldenEye is doing for Perfect Dark.

: Perfect Dark on XBLA contains all the weapons, levels and characters related to GoldenEye that were in the original Perfect Dark. Specifically, a selection of re-branded weapons and the Felicity, Complex and Temple levels.

: Yes, with some exciting additions. In Perfect Dark on XBLA you can use GoldenEye weapons in multiplayer for the first time (on Nintendo 64 the classic weapons were restricted to solo play). We also have a couple of Achievements called "Golden Days" and "Camera Shy" which are a nod of recognition to the game's heritage. There is a "Classic" setting in the Matchmaking playlists which enables players to play on rotations using only classic levels with the classic weapon sets (Pistols, Automatics, Power Weapons, Remote Mines, etc).

We think this will be very popular with fans of GoldenEye! We know there are a lot of GoldenEye fans who never played Perfect Dark, and we definitely want to encourage them to try the game out for themselves.

: Bringing the original Perfect Dark to XBLA gives us an opportunity to remind core fans just how good the first game was, whilst also introducing the franchise to a whole new generation of players who never got the opportunity to play the original.

If you want to see more of Joanna Dark on Xbox 360, the single best thing you can do is pick up Perfect Dark for Xbox LIVE Arcade. If you like it... tell your friends. We're watching this one closely!