iSoftStone, Microsoft team up brings HealthVault to China

Seattle's Microsoft Corp. has recently forged a partnership with a China-based IT services provider to bring the software giant's e-health platform to China.

Microsoft's partnership with iSoftStone Information Technology (Group) Co. Ltd. will make Microsoft HealthVault available initially in Wuxi in Jiangsui province.

HealthVault will enable patients in China to take control of their health information as if they are managing their online banking account.

Eventually, the plan is to coordinate all health information available from various health institutions in the country for a comprehensive look at the patient's health background.

"With HealthVault, citizens have access to their health information and are empowered to become active partners in their health and wellness, working with their healthcare providers toward a better quality of care for themselves and their families," said Mark Johnston, director of International Market Development, Microsoft Health Solutions Group.

iSoftStone will be HealthVault's exclusive operator in China. As such it is also expected to work with other developers, service providers and device manufacturers to expand HealthVault's market to the rest of China.

To kick start market adoption, Microsoft is helping iSoft set up a digital health innovation center in Wuxi. The center will house a HealthVault data center, a test lab for HealthVault software and device developers, and will serve as a training facility to service providers.

Both companies are also expected to use the facility to localise solutions and identify other healthcare solutions suitable for the market.

iSoftStone is Microsoft's first healthcare partner in China. China is the fifth country outside the United States where the three-year-old health solution will be available.

TW Liu, chairman and chief executive officer, iSoftStone, said the company is well-positioned to bring Microsoft's health solution to China and help in advancing the healthcare industry in China.

Tiu said the recent partnership "is a great example of how we are uniquely positioned to be the partner of choice for global companies, working both as an IT outsourcing vendor and also as a go-to-market partner to help customers grow their business in the China market."

iSoftStone caters to the China market across a range of industry verticals to include technology, communications, banking, financial services and insurance and energy, transportation and public sector.