HP user group targets Interex

Encompass, a Chicago-based Hewlett-Packard Co. user group, has been trying to expand its roster by adding a chunk of the 100,000 members of the former Interex user organization, which closed its doors last year. In a recent interview with Computerworld, Kristi Browder, president of Encompass and IT director at Silicon Laboratories Inc. in Austin, discussed that effort and the future of her group, as well as its plans for the HP user conference this fall.

How has the demise of Interex affected your membership? Our community is at 10,000. We'd like to increase membership over this next year. Primarily, the way we're hoping to address that is to embrace former Interex members. We've extended free membership to any former Interex members to March 2006. We have been growing our local presence within the local user groups.

How many of the 100,000 former Interex members have joined so far? A ballpark 150 members have joined to date. We plan to grow our membership by 25 percent. We are continuing our outreach efforts to the Interex community. In addition, Encompass is working closely with the HP Certified Professional Program and has extended offers to that group.

Are former Interex members a bit jaded about the group's treatment by HP? Not the ones I'm dealing with. I could understand it. We've all gone through times where we've gone through disappointments, especially in a volunteer position. I can't say we're immune to it, either. Encompass has had its moments.

What are your plans for the HP Technology Forum this year? The Technology Forum is going to be held in Houston during hurricane season. We had roughly 4,000 people at the Orlando event, which we were grateful for, considering that the event had moved [from New Orleans because of the effects of Hurricane Katrina]. We expect to see double the attendance [this year].

How have Encompass members reacted to Carly Fiorina's departure from HP and the leadership of Mark Hurd? We typically don't get involved in the business politics. We're primarily focused on the technology. Mark did show up at a [users] event in Orlando. He was very well received. It was a different presence than we'd seen in the past. He was very focused and results-oriented.

What would you like to see HP address from a technology standpoint? I'd like to have lower cost. A lot of our community is also focused on virtualization and business integration. I think hardware is going to become more and more of a commodity, so whatever tools and technology can be produced to manage that is going to help lower the cost of running a large data center.

What does your membership see as the key issues this year? We think we know, but we're not sure we know. So that's one of the investments Encompass plans to make this year -- [to do] inbound marketing to find out what is important to the user base and help expand on the delivery of our services, whether it's collaboration tools or conference content.