From the editor-in-chief: No Small Change

... Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

--Robert Frost

First, this year's math. Four hundred and ninety-one unique organizations filled out the nomination form for the CIO100 Award as well as the seven special awards, totaling 672 projects. Last year, if you recall, 399 organizations had filed in nominations. The competition was not merely fierce, it was brutal. Picking the winners was indeed a difficult act.

A closer look at the submitted projects reveals some interesting trends, a good six percent of all projects were about improving collaboration; five percent were about the cloud; 11 percent were about taking mobility forward, and just a tad under 10 percent were about ERP (a fascinating contrast is that while 10 percent of those with a mobility project made the grade; only 4 percent of ERP projects came through).

To be a this year, companies and their CIOs had to demonstrate technology initiatives that had significant business benefits, positively impacted business process, were technologically innovative, and demonstrated creativity in deployment. That's a tough ask any time. But beyond the mere numbers of projects, it was the transformative nature of so many of them that challenged the jury, the output of legion of men and women whose work is profoundly reshaping the Indian business landscape--IT leaders who do take the 'road less travelled' and without any regrets.

The are as much a reflection of the holistic nature of technology transformation as they are a reflection of role of the CIO in pushing corporate change.

That is what these awards truly represent--a recognition of the forces of change. Change that doesn't come easy; Change that is continuum. Change that makes you the men and women you are. For it is in the nature of humans to resist transformation, non-conformity and variance. Thus, persistence in pushing these initiatives deserves to be honored, recognized and applauded.

That makes the very special people indeed.
