Fast Computing Used to Stop Missiles Before Impact

If you thought your computer setup was pretty quick, you may want to think again. The US Army might just be acquiring protective mobile computer systems that are fast enough to not only stop enemy missiles mid-flight, but to do so just before they hit their target.

, the company behind the "active protection" technology (APS), calls the computer system the , and believes that it could save hundreds of lives from incoming projectiles or roadside bombs. Partially funded by , the system works by using some very advanced algorithms and an optical sensor to quickly counteract missiles at the last moment, rather than in early flight. It's also mounted on the roof of a vehicle, like a curtain rod, and shoots down at the missile rather than outwards.

These measures, according to Artis, are so that minimal damage is inflicted on vehicles and passengers, as well as civilians in close proximity. So far in testing, Iron Curtain has managed to take down rockets travelling at 295 meters per second (think about that for a minute!) with ease. That's pretty impressive.

Presently, Iron Curtain is still undergoing rigorous testing, which will cost $5 million to complete. Once testing is complete, the system will then be mounted onto the off-road vehicles currently deployed in Afghanistan. If successful, the new tech could begin to be permanently rolled out in about a year.

Check out the to see just how close the setup allows missiles to get before counteracting them:

[via ]




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