Fallout 3: 'Point Lookout' DLC released with patch for PCs

The downloadable content has been released today, and its swamp ridden territories come with an all new patch for the edition to support the accompanying new achievements.

Point Lookout will expand upon the Maryland swamp with new quests, new freaky enemies and new weapons to blast their heads off with. To venture forth into Point Lookout, PC and players can purchase the expansion for 800 Microsoft Points ($10), while those with a will have to wait a while for its eventual release.

As mentioned , Point Lookout, as well as Mothership Zeta (which arrives this July for Xbox and PC) will eventually make their way to PS3, but only for the PlayStation Network as "Retail versions of the game add-on packs for PS3 are not possible."

The patch 1.6 can be found on FileShack in , and territories, each taking up about 50MB and is "A simple patch, simply adding achievements for Point Lookout."

We'll keep you posted as Fallout 3's upcoming Mothership Zeta makes its way to the Xbox and PC later this July.

Source: .