
Facebooks Antwort auf die Klageabweisung

16.06.2009 von Thomas Cloer
Facebook hat inzwischen Stellung zur Entscheidung des Landgerichts Köln genommen, die Plagiatsklage des US-amerikanischen Social Networks gegen StudiVZ abzuweisen.

Das Statement lautet wie folgt:

"Facebook is disappointed by the court’s decision, particularly since the court did not take the time to review the evidence, and we will be evaluating further procedural options including an appeal. StudiVZ and its parent companies have violated our intellectual property rights and unfairly profited from our innovation, creativity and effort by copying our website, and we look forward to continuing with our action against them in the German courts, if appropriate, and in the US Federal Court, where our action continues. We remain confident that a court decision which generally allows systematic illicit copying of another innovators technology, website and code will not be upheld in Germany, Europe or the United States."

Über die Klageabweisung hatten wir bereits heute Nachmittag berichtet.