Facebook introduces user registration tool for developers

Web publishers are being offered another Facebook tool that lets them use the social-networking company for their user registration tasks.

While Facebook has offered such a service for years, called Connect, the company on Thursday introduced another option.

Unlike Connect, the new registration tool can be used by end users who don't have a Facebook account, .

It also lets publishers request additional information from end users that Facebook doesn't require in its account set-up process.

The tool, which doesn't have a specific name, is an iFrame that developers can add to their websites with one line of code.

"By minimizing the friction associated with signing up for a new account and making it easy for people to bring their friends with them, we've seen that people are more likely to complete the sign up process, stay on sites longer, share more content, and come back more often," wrote Paul Tarjan, an engineer on Facebook's application platform team.

Facebook users who are logged in when they call up the registration prompt will have some fields already filled in with data from their Facebook account.

End users can also be given the option to fill out the form manually if they don't have a Facebook account or aren't logged in.