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DoS-Angriff legt Twitter lahm

07.08.2009 von Thomas Cloer
Aber das können wir leider gerade nicht twittern - contradictio in eo ipso… #twitterfail

"Site is down" heißt es dazu gerade auf status.twitter.com. Twitter (down wie gesagt) prüft demnach die Ursache und will in Kürze ein Status-Update veröffentlichen. Nicht vergessen: Da drüben in Kalifornien ist es noch nicht einmal sieben Uhr früh...

Update: Inzwischen spricht Twitter von einem weiterhin andauernden DoS-Angriff (Denial of Service). Mitgründer Biz Stone schreibt dazu im Firmenblog: "On this otherwise happy Thursday morning, Twitter is the target of a denial of service attack. Attacks such as this are malicious efforts orchestrated to disrupt and make unavailable services such as online banks, credit card payment gateways, and in this case, Twitter for intended customers or users. We are defending against this attack now and will continue to update our status blog as we continue to defend and later investigate."

Update 2: Inzwischen berappelt sich twitter.com wieder. "The site is back up, but we are continuing to defend against and recover from this attack", heißt es auf status.twitter.com. Dort dürften auch weitere Erklärungen erscheinen.

Update 3: Heute Nacht schreibt Biz Stone, wieder im offiziellen Firmenblog: "As noted earlier on our Status Blog, Twitter is back in action. The continuing denial of service attack is being mitigated although there is still degraded service for some folks while we recover completely. Over the last few hours, Twitter has been working closely with other companies and services affected by what appears to be a single, massively coordinated attack. As to the motivation behind this event, we prefer not to speculate. Please note that no user data was compromised in this attack. This activity is about saturating a service with so many requests that it cannot respond to legitimate requests thereby denying service to intended customers or users. We've worked hard to achieve technical stability and we're proud of our Engineering and Operations teams. Nevertheless, today's massive, globally distributed attack was a reminder that there's still lots of work ahead."

Während Stone über die Urheber der Attacke lieber nicht spekulieren möchte, berichtet der Branchendienst "Cnet", der Angriff (der auch Facebook in Mitleidenschaft gezogen hatte) habe sich gegen einen einzelnen Blogger aus Georgien gerichtet. Morgen jährt sich der Einmarsch Russlands in der Kaukasusrepublik am 8. August 2008.