Discovery Channel Airing Steve Jobs Documentary Sunday

The Discovery Channel will be airing a one-hour documentary on Sunday, hosted by Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman of Mythbusters fame.

"Steve Jobs was a creative and technological visionary who quite simply changed society as we know it," Discovery said in a statement.

"As co-founder and CEO of Apple Computer, Jobs ushered in personal computing to the masses, which in turn led to new innovations which completely changed our way of life--from how we do our work, to the way we watch movies, listen to music and interact socially," it added.

Discovery has lined up a number of sources for the production, which is called iGenius: How Steve Jobs Changed the World. Some are from Jobs' past--Lee Felsenstein, founding member of the Homebrew Computer Club; Daniel Kottke, a friend who traveled to India with Jobs and who later become an early Apple employee; and John Draper, an engineer who gave Jobs his start.

Others are from the media, science and music fields--NBC Correspondent Tom Brokaw, New York Times business reporter Joe Nocera , cultural critic Toure, Billboard Editorial Director Bill Were, Fortune magazine Managing Editor Andrew Serwer, theoretical physicist Michio Kaku, and musician Stevie Wonder.

"Someone once said that to follow the path that others have laid before you is a very reasonable course of action, therefore all progress is made by unreasonable men," Mythbuster Savage said in a . "Steve Jobs was an unreasonable man."

"He didn't simply give the public what they wanted, he defined entirely new ways of thinking about our lives in the digital space: productivity, creativity, music, communication, media and art," he added. "He has touched, directly and indirectly, all of our lives."

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