Brief Facebook outage causes slight panic

One day after Facebook CEO ,  his popular social networking website went offline for a short time.

The outage appears to have started around 4:15pm  EST, and according to the , it’s likely related to some Brand page and other updates that Facebook is making to the site. Facebook was restored (at least for us) by 4:45pm, though users complained that beta features such as photo theater and memories had disappeared.

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Facebook users from around the world have been buzzing about the outage on Twitter.

A Twitterer going by the handle helloxjade23 tweeted about the outage: "my life is overrrr." Maximeparis tweeted: "FACEBOOK IS DOWN ! Page blanche pour vous aussi ?."

Conspiracy theorists also wondered whether Facebook being down and WikiLeaks chief Julian Assange being released might be more than a coincidence. After all, in Time’s Person of the Year award.  One Twitter user wrote: "JUlian is released goes .... I'm just sayin'."

– 2.5 hours -- in September.  That outage was blamed on a misconfiguration of a database.

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