Avalanche of data for Malaysian companies

The latest version of a systems management suite will help Malaysian companies face an inundation of data, exacerbated by the economic downturn, according to security firm Symantec.

Symantec Corporation senior director, Endpoint Security, Asia Pacific & Japan, David Hanley said: "In an economically-distressed time we're in a good position to offer cost-effective systems management in Altiris Client Management Suite 7.0 and Altiris Server Management Suite 7.0."

"Both suites offer better visibility into a company's IT assets and simplifies day-to-day manageability. This is a revolutionary step forward for us," said Hanley. "The first generation consisted of point tools, then integration as the second step. In the new generation we focus on collaboration with process automation and intelligent software management."

"The absolute proliferation of data across the world's networks is becoming unimaginable and grows exponentially day by day," he said. "The ability to manage this avalanche of data also comes with huge risks in external and internal threats."

Companies should take opportunity

"According to research firm Gartner's March 2008 numbers: the total cost of ownership (TCO) of a desktop PC is US$3,471, compared with the TCO--US$5,867--of an unmanaged computer," said Hanley.

"In Malaysia, companies, especially in sectors such as banking, logistics, manufacturing, government, and insurance, face a rapid growth in complexity of IT systems," he said. "In the current downturn, when we expect a slowdown in network growth in the coming year, it is an opportune time for Malaysian IT managers to take a breather and look into how to manage their networks better."

Open collaborative architecture

"In 10 years, the role of IT has changed from being an afterthought to becoming an absolutely critical aspect of business," said Hanley. "Companies can no longer manually control data in an era of shrinking budgets."

Functions such as antivirus, security, systems management, network access control, and encryption are part of the solution," he said. "As part of its endpoint control integration strategy, Symantec integrated the security and management of endpoints to help companies manage security, data loss prevention, and backup and recovery of data."

"We have led the way in terms of virtualisation acquisition," he added. "The new environment when on-demand applications is emerging. This will become an important part of an IT manager's agenda: dealing with the virtual cloud."

"For instance, 90 per cent of the applications loaded onto my machine are not used," he said. "On-demand applications is more aligned to real usage,"

"Automation and open collaboration architecture offered by our new suites is critical to today's companies," said Hanley, "Our new release 7.0 allows companies to also directly monitor and control the carbon footprint."