Apple spurs mobile apps download in '08, steady growth in '09

Following Apple's release of its mobile application store for the iPod Touch and iPhone in 2008, a number of providers have sprung up to take a share of the mobile app market, analysts at consulting firm Ovum said in a press statement Monday."

Despite positive outlook for the rest of the market, Ovum said Apple will steal lead the mobile app providers globally, constituting around 70% of the whole application download market this year.

This lead, however, will not enjoy a steady rise, as the firm predicts a 20% loss in market share by 2014, given the emergence of new competitors in the mobile application market.

"The global market will grow by a CAGR of 153% between 2008 and 2011, but will drop to around 33% between 2011 and 2014. In brief, we believe that a number of substitutes will emerge for application downloads, including browser-based services," it said.

Ovum added that while the hype for mobile applications is going strong, consumer willingness to pay will still determine the size of the market. Early on, however, high-end applications are getting much of the limelight, it said.

"Paid-for applications will reach 3.3 billion, up from just under 147 million in 2008," it explained. "However, this is lower than the growth in free downloads, which are set to grow at a CAGR of 88% over the period."

Meanwhile, Ovum predicts a steady growth of the mobile app market in the Asia Pacific area as the availability and demand for apps shift from the North American and European regions. "This also explains the heavier initial consumption in North America and Western Europe, where more applications are available. However, we believe that by 2010 or 2011, applications will proliferate in all markets and supply-side issues will have less impact," it added.