A Microsoft Tablet: What Will It Look Like?

News of a press event planned by Microsoft on Monday has fired the kind of buzz storm usually reserved for Apple events. What Redmond may be up to is pure speculation at this point, but reports are that the company may be announcing a new product that will put it on the tablet map. If it does, what might that device look like?

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A number of prognosticators are betting that the device will be based on Microsoft's operating system for ARM processors, . If that's the case, it could use an NVidia processor. One such , has already been announced by Asus.

Basing the system on RT has a certain advantage from a business point of view, especially if, as some guessers predict, the tablet is a Microsoft-branded product. Many of the tablets being produced by Microsoft's OEM partners are deploying Windows 8, so using RT is less likely to step on too many toes.

Some toes that will be stepped on, though, will belong to competitors of Microsoft's web browser, Internet Explorer. That's because RT competing browser makers from some powerful technologies, called APIs, available only to IE in RT. Apple also gives its browser, Safari, a leg up over alternative browsers on its iPad tablet.