30 Days With the iPad


Here we go again. Some of you might say I am some sort of glutton for punishment, but it's time to start a new 30 Days With project. I am typing this in the on an iPad 2 because this month I am spending 30 Days With the iPad.

I don't mean 30 days playing with the iPad to see if I can beat my 5 year old daughter at Angry Birds (I can't--she's an iPad game prodigy), or sitting around reading books in the Kindle app (although I have a library of unread books I have purchased sitting there waiting for me). I will probably spend some time doing both of those things, but that isn't the focus of the project.

No, I mean 30 days giving up my trusty Dell XPS M1330 laptop--the notebook PC that has been my sole source of income for the past three years. I mean giving up the Windows 7 OS that I love--again. In case you're just joining us, I just got done spending . I was looking forward to getting back to Windows, but this should be an interesting project.

Basically, this is a case of me trying to . Since the original iPad first hit the street, I have been a fan, and I have been a proponent that the iPad can--in fact--replace a notebook PC and be the primary computing platform for most users. Can it really? I guess we'll find out.

As I mentioned, I already know it can play Angry Birds, and that it can be an eReader. I know I can surf the Web, and watch a Netflix movie. I use the iPad regularly in the casual sense. But, the question is if my notebook died tomorrow, could I make my living from the iPad just as I currently do from my Windows PC.