Meldungen vom 14.04.2011

  • Kleine Helfer

    Sencha Touch - das HTML5-Framework für mobile Web-Anwendungen

    Mit dem neuen, quelloffenen HTML5-Framework "Sencha Touch" lassen sich mobile Web-Anwendungen für iPhone, iPad und Android entwickeln, die den nativen Applikationen Konkurrenz machen. …mehr

  • Trivadis

    Neuer Finanzchef kommt von TDS

    Christoph Höinghaus ist ab dem 15. Mai 2011 neuer CFO bei Trivadis und sitzt damit auch in der Geschäftsleitung des Schweizer IT-Dienstleisters.  …mehr

  • Microsoft Konferenz MIX11

    Windows Phone 7 wird vollständiger

    Das kommende Update, Codename Mango, bringt zahlreiche neue Funktionen für Windows Phone 7. Im Rahmen der MIX-Konferenz gab der Konzern einen Einblick, was künftig dank Multi-Tasking, Sockets und Live Agents möglich ist.  …mehr

  • Open Data und Open Government

    Freiheit für öffentliche Daten nur auf Raten

    Mehr Demokratie, neue Geschäftsmodelle: All das versprechen sich die Open-Data-Aktivisten. Sie wollen Daten aus den Archiven und Datenbanken des Staates allen Bürgern zur Verfügung stellen. Doch das ist gar nicht so einfach - es mangelt nicht nur an Geld. …mehr

  • Omnipräsente Täter

    Forscher nehmen Cyberstalker unter die Lupe

    Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes nimmt der deutsche Wissenschaftler Wolfgang Thau von der Hochschule Darmstadt die Problematik von Cyberstalking und Web-Mobbing ins Visier.  …mehr

  • Computerspiele-Messe

    Aus für die Leipziger Games Convention Online

    Die Leipziger Messe hat die Games Convention Online abgesagt. Es habe in der Online-Spiele-Branche in diesem Jahr kaum Interesse an der Veranstaltung in Leipzig gegeben. …mehr

  • Schatten der Vergangenheit

    Twitter-Gründer verschweigen einen Miterfinder

    Nicht nur bei Facebook gibt es Streit um die Gründungsgeschichte. Auch beim Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter soll es neben den offiziellen Gründern einen weiteren geistigen Vater geben.  …mehr

  • Apple iPhone 4

    Das weiße Modell macht sich bereit

    Ist es nur Vaporware, oder kommt es wirklich? Berichten zufolge soll die weiße Variante des Apple iPhone 4 in Kürze auf den Markt kommen. …mehr

  • Gute Quartalszahlen

    SinnerSchrader surft auf der Online-Welle

    Der anhaltende Online-Boom kommt dem Dienstleister SinnerSchrader entgegen: Im zweiten Fiskalquartal legte Umsatz und Ergebnis deutlich zu.  …mehr

  • Weltweiter Kampf gegen Mücken

    Handy-App für die Malaria-Diagnose

    Ein US-Studententeam hat eine Smartphone-App für die Malariadiagonse entwickelt. Mit einem Aufsatz wird die Kamera zum Mikroskop. …mehr

  • Tipps für den Arbeitsmarkt

    Karriereratgeber 2011 - Janka Hellwig, DIS AG

    Vom 14. bis 27. April 2011 beantwortet Janka Hellwig von der DIS AG Fragen zu Karriereperspektiven im Rahmen der Vermittlung über Personaldienstleister.  …mehr

  • Teil des Lebens

    Mediensucht unter Studenten weltweit verbreitet

    Die meisten Studenten sind süchtig nach Medien, egal in welchem Land sie leben. Der Ausfall von Handy, Facebook und mp3 sorgt vielfach für eine emotionale Katastrophe. …mehr

  • Effiziente Senderwahl

    Handy-GPS sorgt für bessere Funkverbindungen

    MIT-Forscher haben einen Ansatz entwickelt, um mithilfe von GPS-Sensoren und Beschleunigungsmessern in Smartphones für bessere Verbindungsqualität und Datenraten zu sorgen.  …mehr

  • Motorola-Netzwerksparte

    Nokia Siemens lässt Huawei hinter sich

    Der Telekom-Ausrüster Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN) hat einen entscheidenden Schritt zur Übernahme der Motorola-Netzwerksparte gemacht. …mehr

  • Musikgenuss fürs Wohnzimmer

    Hifi-Pionier Sidney Harman ist tot

    Er war Pionier der Hifi-Welt, stellvertretender US-Handelsminister und versuchte sich mit 92 Jahren auch noch als Medienunternehmer. Nur wenige Monate, nachdem Sidney Harman die US-Zeitschrift "Newsweek" gekauft und mit "The Daily Beast" verschmolzen hat, starb er.  …mehr

  • Tablets hui, Netbooks pfui

    Wachstum im Notebook-Markt schwächt sich ab

    Seit Jahren waren Notebooks auch in schweren Zeiten Markttreiber für die PC-Industrie. Für dieses Jahr rechnen Marktbeobachter allerdings mit einer Abschwächung des Trends.  …mehr

  • Paywall der New York Times

    Bezahlmodell als Leser-Schreck

    Die ersten Tage brachten keine Überraschung: Seit dem Bau der Paywall um die Seite der New York Times sind die Leserzahlen eingebrochen. …mehr

  • CW-Redaktion empfiehlt

    Alles Wichtige zum Thema Server und Storage

    Egal ob Festplatten-Test oder Virtualisierungs-Ratgeber. Mit dem COMPUTERWOCHE Server- und Storage-Newsletter sind Sie immer optimal informiert. …mehr

  • Kostenloses Storage Tool

    Intel SSD Toolbox - Solid State Disks optimieren und überwachen

    Die kostenlose Intel SSD Toobox ermöglicht es, Solid State Disks und Festplatten einfach und problemlos auf ihre Funktionalität zu überprüfen. Neben dem Anzeigen der Smart-Funktionen lassen sich auch Diagnose-Scans zur Überprüfung der Lese- und Schreibfehler sowie SSD-Optimierungen ausführen.  …mehr

  • Gadget des Tages

    ASUS-Automobili Lamborghini VX7 Notebook

    Für alle Freunde italienischer Sportwagen und schneller Laptops bietet Asus das Lamborghini VX7 Notebook. …mehr

  • Service-Management

    Alle reden von Itil - und vergessen Cobit

    Strukturierte Prozesse erzeugen nicht unbedingt hochwertige Services. Deshalb ist es sinnvoll, neben Itil auch das Regelwerk für die IT-Governance, Cobit, zu nutzen.  …mehr

    Von Thomas Hartmann
  • Formalien einhalten

    Mit Kundendaten werben? Was Sie beachten sollten

    Dr. Sebastian Kraska und Alma Lena Fritz erklären, was es mit der Einwilligungserklärung nach dem Bundesdatenschutzgesetz auf sich hat.  …mehr

  • Cisco CIO Offers Tips for Talkin' Business

    Cisco CEO a major restructuring of the company's business after two quarters of disappointing financial results. Namely, Cisco plans to stop producing consumer products like the Flip video camera and will roll its Umi consumer telepresence product into its business telepresence line. In addition, there will be a workforce reduction of 550 people.  …mehr

  • FBI Pulls the Plug on Coreflood Botnet

    Coreflood is the . The FBI used bold, precedent-setting maneuvers to take the Coreflood botnet offline--reducing the volume of spam polluting the your Inbox, and making the Internet a little safer.  …mehr

  • Valve Reveals How Steam Works on PS3

    When Valve last year that they were working on the PlayStation 3 version of themselves, and would make it the "best version on any console" complete with features from their Steam PC platform, the true nature of those features were still cloudy. Today, mere days away from the release of Portal 2, Valve has sent out a press release explaining what "Steam on PS3" really means.  …mehr

  • When Recruiting Is a 'Growth Business'

    External growth -- especially the kind that takes a company into new markets -- usually means adding headcount in finance, too. And that exercise has been front-and-center for CFO Mark Castaneda since he joined Primo Water in March 2008.  …mehr

  • Remains of the Day: The play on words's the thing

    Apple's getting ready to send a small team to the cloud, Foxconn may put down roots in Brazil, and RIM is on the defensive. Again. All the world's a stage and all the remainders for Wednesday, April 13, 2011 merely players.  …mehr

  • Springboard: China IT services market to be US$11.5B in 2011

    The total domestic IT services spending for China in 2011 is expected to grow by 12 per cent over 2010, according to the newly released report 'PRC IT Services Report: 2010' from Springboard Research.  …mehr

  • The ADA Soon Will Cover More Disabled

    The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recently released implementing the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act, or the ADAA. Like the act itself, "the regulations are designed to simplify the determination of who has a disability and make it easier for people to establish that they are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act," the agency said in a statement.  …mehr

  • WinOptimizer 8 Tunes Your PC a Number of Ways

    ($50, 10-day free trial) is one of those everything-but-the-kitchen sink programs for tuning up your PC that says it can do everything from cleaning your Registry, clearing your PC of Internet traces in order to protect your privacy, offering general tuneup tweaks, shortening bootup. Oh, and there's a process manager, a file associator, and icons saver, and a context menu manager. And more. Much, much, much more.  …mehr

  • 3DS Gets its First Girlie Game

    What did you want from the Nintendo 3DS when you first knew about it? Lifelike imagery popping out at you, enjoying 3D movies, or maybe something... saucier? Well, if your mind is in the gutter, it's going to blissfully stay there once Senran Kagura comes out.  …mehr

  • Remains of the Day: Crazy talk

    If you're going to walk the crazy walk, you'd better talk the crazy talk. Microsoft loses a valuable cloud player, Apple doesn't want to know what you're surfing on the Web, and one man makes, bakes, and takes the whole crazy cake. Unlike that cake, the remainders for Thursday, April 14, 2011 are not a lie.  …mehr

  • The Importance of Finance Style

    We always hear about how an organization's cultural fit is important when deciding where you want to work. Now it turns out the style of the CFO may play just as important of a role.  …mehr

  • Netflix Kinect: Control Movies With Your Hands

    If you've always wanted to watch movies by waving your hands around like a madman -- well, my friend, today is your lucky day.  …mehr

  • Sources: Wii 2 Exists, and We'll See It at E3 in June

    From to console successors, here we go with silly season rumors again: In this corner, the Nintendo Wii 2, or Wii successor, or Nintendo's Next Big Thing. GameStop-owned Game Informer magazine that it's heard from "multiple sources" that Nintendo's planning to unveil whatever's next at E3 in June, "if not sooner."  …mehr

  • Study: Broadband stimulus overlapped existing service

    The story, "Study: Broadband stimulus overlapping existing service," which ran on the wire Wednesday, contains incomplete information about the study's authors. The fifth paragraph has been changed, and a new sixth paragraph inserted, in the story on the wire. The changed fifth paragraph and the new sixth paragraph read:  …mehr

  • File-sharing Bill passed into law

    In a wide-ranging debate under urgency, Parliament brought the Copyright (Infringing File Sharing) Amendment Bill to the brink of passage at midnight last night when the Speaker suspended debate.The final vote this morning passed the Bill by 111 votes to 11, the same figure as at second reading.The legislation puts in place a complex regime of warning and enforcement notices issued through internet service providers to users suspected of infringing copyright by online file-sharing, culminating in appearance of alleged repeat infringers before the Copyright Tribunal and possible further penalty in a district court.The power to suspend a repeat offender's internet account is held in reserve in the Bill, to be possibly activated at a future stage by an Order in Council. Some Parliamentarians responded with relief to this suspension, while others complained that it makes enforcement of the ultimate sanction less democratic than normal inclusion in a law that has gone through the full Parliamentary process.The debate brought frequent reference, particularly by Labour ICT spokeswoman Clare Curran, to the uncomfortable compromise of including but reserving the suspension power, which had finally ensured the votes of the Labour party.Members repeated much material familiar to anyone who has been following the progress of the Bill and the previous ill-fated Section 92A of the Copyright Bill; including reference to internet access as a human right and characterisation of the disconnection penalty as no worse than a driving ban; there were even the obligatory comparisons of the internet to the Wild West.On the more forward-looking side, Green MP Gareth Hughes contended that what is needed is a complete re-examination of the working of Copyright in an age of rapidly advancing digital technology.The spectre of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement was raised by several Opposition MPs. The US entertainment industry is pushing for a further extension on copyright terms and re-examination of ISP liability for customer breach of copyright, according to leaked TPP negotiation papers and Opposition MPs raised fears that the agreement reached on the file-sharing Bill may be a temporary and hollow victory.Commerce Minister Simon Power's amendment in connection with an accusation of infringement was accepted into the Bill.  …mehr

  • Can't Wait for Firefox 5? Try Aurora Now!

    The Firefox 5 beta is only a month away thanks to Mozilla's , but you needn't wait until then to try the new browser.  …mehr

  • Intel goes all-out to compete with ARM in tablets

    Intel is speeding up the release of tablet chips in an attempt to close the power and performance gap with ARM, which dominates the tablet market, analysts said this week.  …mehr

  • Outsource your 21st century business: Telstra

    Telstra chief technology officer, Hugh Bradlow, has called on businesses to outsource their core ICT functions to specialised companies, including Cloud operators, in order to get with the 21st century.  …mehr

  • Why You Shouldn't Worry About Switching to IPv6 Now

    A lot of coverage of IPv6 over the past few years gives the impression that you need to switch to IPv6 soon. That's not necessarily the case, though, especially for a consumer or a small business.  …mehr

  • Exploring a tragedy through games

    The medium of games offers an unprecedented opportunity to explore important events from an up-close and personal perspective. Unlike films and TV, the interactive nature of them allows participants to immerse themselves in a virtual environment and explore what that might mean for themselves.  …mehr

  • Kyocera Echo: Phone That Wants To Be A Tablet

    The ($200 with a two-year contract) is the first dual screen Android smartphone to hit the United States. With a design reminiscent of the Nintendo DS, the Echo seems to make a better tablet than a phone.  …mehr

  • Grab a Bite at the El Shaddai Cafe

    Believe it or not, setting up a small cafe in Tokyo for the sole purpose of promoting a game or other entertainment product is not all that uncommon -- just look at the Dragon Quest bar. Who knows if this marriage of gaming with upscale dining is successful, but regardless, Ignition is the latest company to get into the restaurant business with their cafe based on their upcoming , which is open for business from April 15 to May 8.  …mehr

  • Oracle to fix 73 security bugs next week

    Oracle plans to release a large number of security patches for its various software products next week, including six bug-fixes for its flagship database software.  …mehr

  • Report: Chinese Far Outstrip US in Cyberspy Fight

    While most of the IT world was fretting over the break-in at Epsilon that probably netted some organized crime group a few million pre-confirmed email addresses, U.S. IT espionage specialists were finishing up a report showing the Epsilon hack is small potatoes compared to China.  …mehr

  • Test Drive Unlimited 2 gets free DLC

    Atari has announced that "The Exploration Pack" will shortly be available for . The DLC will be available for free and includes a number of features the community has been requesting as well as new missions and game modes.  …mehr

  • State Street modernizing with cloud, Linux technologies

    says technology must evolve to meet the increasingly demanding needs of financial services, and within its own data centers is adopting new cloud-like technologies and placing a greater emphasis on and .  …mehr

  • European companies eyeing Asia for next investments

    Some of the top European countries are considering Asia in their next investment spree in the next five years, according to a recent report by DC Advisory Partners, a research firm affiliated with one of Asia's largest investment banks.  …mehr

  • New Content for Ratchet and Clank All 4 One, Resistance 3

    Insomniac Games showed the latest and greatest bits of its upcoming Ratchet & Clank and Resistance sequels at a press event on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles yesterday. Both games had new levels for press to play around with, and plenty of newly revealed features intended to wow the media gathered there.  …mehr

  • Alabama B-1 visa case draws Sen. Grassley's attention

    WASHINGTON - A lawsuit against Indian offshore giant Infosys Technologies is getting the attention of U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who wants top Obama administration officials, including U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, "to get to the bottom of the situation."  …mehr

  • Solid Q1 results set stage for Google's Page

    Google reported solid growth in the first quarter, just as co-founder Larry Page prepares to usher in a new chapter in the company's history.  …mehr

  • 5 (More) Things to Do With an Old Computer

    Most of us have an old computer of some sort, and we all have our reasons for keeping around. However, many times those reasons don't extend far beyond that these computers keep important files that we'd rather not lose. Why not have that heap of plastic and circuitry do something useful for you instead? A few months back, PCWorld brought you ; here are 5 more things you can do with that old computer.  …mehr

  • As PlayBook launches, Cisco's Cius slowly emerges

    As Research In Motion launched its PlayBook on Thursday evening, Cisco Systems was already accepting orders for its Cius enterprise tablet and shipping it to some customers.  …mehr

  • Google defends Apps for Government

    Google , saying it never misled the U.S. government about Google Apps' compliance with an important security standard. "  …mehr

  • Banks take lead from developers, not top smartphones, for mobile apps

    BOSTON - While the OS may be leading the pack in sales, it's not the phone for which banks are writing applications. That would the No. 3 instead.  …mehr

  • T-Mobile Sidekick 4G Still Great for Messaging

    It's baaack. The T-Mobile has returned ($100 with a two-year contract from T-Mobile; available April 20), and this time it has . As a former Sidekick LX user (and honestly, I kind of miss good physical keyboards), I was excited to check out Samsung's spin on this legendary phone. Did Samsung succeed in reviving the Sidekick brand? For the most part, I think it did. Everything we know and love about the Sidekick is still there, but I wish Samsung had baked in enhancements in a few other areas other than just design and data speeds.  …mehr

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