Meldungen vom 18.03.2010

  • WePad

    iPad-Konkurrent aus Deutschland

    Alle Welt baut ein eigenes Tablet nach dem Vorbild des Apple iPad, bald soll es nach den Wünschen der Neofonie GmbH auch eins aus Deutschland geben. Auf den ersten Blick klingt dieses Vorhaben wie ein schlechter Scherz. Die Firma ist weitgehend unbekannt, nur Eingeweihte dürften deren Suchmaschine WeFind kennen. Außerdem ist auf der ohnehin etwas kargen Homepage der Firma kein Wort über das WePad zu lesen. …mehr

  • Besseres Design und neue Funktionen

    Google Maps 4.1 für Android veröffentlicht

    Das Update von Google Maps für Android hat neue Funktionen, die nach Meinung des Unternehmens die Suche erleichtern und einen besseren Überblick in den Karten verschaffen.  …mehr

  • Medwedew-Anordnung

    Moskau plant "russisches Silicon Valley"

    Russland will künftig in einem eigenen "Silicon Valley" nach US-Vorbild hochmoderne Technologien entwickeln. …mehr

  • ITSM

    Leitfaden des itSMF hilft beim SLA-Management

    Das Management von Service-Level-Agreements stellt sich in der Paxis oft schwierig dar. Deshalb hat das itSMF dazu einen Leitfaden herausgegeben. …mehr

  • Panda-Experte warnt

    Vodafone-Smartphones mit Malware ausgeliefert

    Innerhalb von etwas mehr als einer Woche haben spanische IT-Security-Experten zum zweiten Mal ein von Vodafone ausgeliefertes Smartphone entdeckt, das mit Malware ausgeliefert wurde. …mehr

  • Watchmouse

    Viele URL-Kürzer sind zu langsam

    Kurzlinks, die mit dem Aufstieg von Twitter und Co einen wahren Höhenflug erlebten, sollen das Leben im Web erleichtern. …mehr

  • Neuausrichtung der Siemens-Tocher

    SIS streicht 4200 Stellen

    Der Siemens-Konzern will bis 2011 rund 4200 bei der Tochter Siemens IT Solutions and Services (SIS) streichen.  …mehr

  • "Konzept wird weiterentwickelt"

    Messe München sagt discuss & discover 2010 ab

    Die Messe München hat den Systems-Nachfolger discuss & discover für 2010 abgesagt und will im Herbst 2011 mit einem angepassten Konzept zurückkommen. …mehr

  • Google Earth verrückt

    Einmal um die ganze Welt und zum Mond

    Bizarre Ereignisse und spannende Weltraumeindrücke: Google Earth nimmt Sie mit zu den aufregendsten Schauplätzen der Welt und macht selbst vor einer Reise zum Mond keinen Halt. …mehr

  • DVB-T-Stick mit Aufnahmespeicher

    pctv DVB-T Flash Stick im Test

    Der pctv DVB-T Flash Stick besitzt einen 1 GB großen Speicher, auf dem die TV-Software vorinstalliert ist. Das macht den DVB-T-Stick für Netbook-Besitzer interessant.  …mehr

    Von Bernd Weeser-Krell
  • Offene Funknetze

    BGH muss über WLAN-Missbrauch entscheiden

    Haftet ein Computerbesitzer, wenn sein ungeschütztes WLAN-Netz missbraucht wird und zum Beispiel illegal Musikdateien aus einer Tauschbörse heruntergeladen werden? …mehr

  • Initiative D21

    Ein gutes Drittel der Deutschen sind "digitale Außenseiter"

    35 Prozent der deutschen Bevölkerung gehören einer Studie der Initiative D21 zufolge zur Gruppe der "digitalen Außenseiter", weitere 30 Prozent zu den "Gelegenheitsnutzern". Lediglich 26 Prozent seien in der digitalen Alltagswelt angekommen. …mehr

  • All-In-One-PC mit Schwächen

    Asus Eee Top ET2203T im Test

    Der Asus Eee Top ET2203T ist ein All-In-One-PC für preisbewusste Anwender. Der Test unserer Schwesterpublikation PC-Welt zeigt, dass Sie dafür allerdings auch Kompromisse machen müssen. …mehr

  • Verteidigung "mit allen Mitteln"

    HTC wehrt sich gegen Apples Patentvorwürfe

    Der taiwanische Smartphone-Hersteller HTC hat im Streit um angebliche Patentverletzungen die Vorwürfe von Apple zurückgewiesen. …mehr

  • Social Media rund um die Uhr

    Twitter für manche Nutzer schon wichtiger als Sex

    Soziale Medien dominieren zunehmend den Alltag ihrer Nutzer - sowohl privat als auch beruflich. …mehr

  • USA

    Fahnder gehen in Social Networks undercover

    US-Behörden wie das FBI ermitteln in sozialen Netzwerken auch undercover. …mehr

  • "X25-V"

    Neue Intel-SSD zum Kampfpreis

    Mit der "X25-V" Value SATA SSD bringt Intel eine ungewohnt preisgünstige Solid-State Disk auf den Markt. …mehr

  • Twitter-Client Twikini

    Erste Zusatz-App für Windows Phone 7 Series vorgestellt

    Bereits wenige Tage nach der Veröffentlichung der Entwicklerwerkzeuge für Windows Phone 7 Series gibt es bereits ein erstes Zusatzprogramm für die neue Smartphone-Plattform von Microsoft. Leistete ein Ex-Microsoft-Mitarbeiter beim Twitter-Client "Twikini" Entwicklungshilfe? …mehr

  • Steigende Beliebtheit

    Android Market zählt über 30.000 Apps

    Drei Monate benötigte der App Store für Google-Android-Smartphones, um die Marke von 10.000 Applikationen zu knacken. Ende Dezember 2009 waren es bereits 20.000 und mittlerweile liegt sie bei über 30.000. …mehr

  • Sniffer, Portscanner und Co

    Die besten Hacker-Tools

    Der Netzwerk-Sniffer Wireshark durchleuchtet den Rechner nach Spionage-Tools, der Portscanner Nmap prüft das Netzwerk auf Schwachstellen. Daneben gibt es noch mehr professionelle Hacker-Programme. …mehr

  • "Google TV"

    Google will mit Intel, Sony und Logitech das Wohnzimmer erobern

    Der Internetkonzern Google arbeitet Medienberichten zufolge mit Intel, Sony und Logitech an einem Fernsehprojekt. …mehr

  • Staatsanwaltschaft Besançon

    Ermittlungen gegen France Télécom nach Selbstmordserie

    Nach einer aufsehenerregenden Selbstmordserie bei France Télécom hat die französische Justiz erstmals Ermittlungen gegen das Unternehmen aufgenommen. …mehr

  • BKA

    Löschen von Kinderporno-Seiten im Ausland schwierig

    Die von der Bundesregierung angestrebte Löschung von kinderpornographischen Internetseiten ist nach Angaben des Bundeskriminalamtes (BKA) im Ausland nach wie vor schwierig. …mehr

  • Hilfe bei der beruflichen Qualifizierung

    Fortbildungen - und das Finanzamt zahlt mit

    Kosten für Fortbildungsmaßnahmen können steuerlich abgesetzt werden. Voraussetzung ist allerdings eine klare berufliche Veranlassung. Dr. Lutz Engelsing nennt Einzelheiten. …mehr

  • Der Karrieretipp

    Ob Uni oder FH: Studenten brauchen Praxis

    Praktische Erfahrung ist für jeden Informatikstudenten ein Muss. Darum sollte man sich früh nach einem Praktikum umschauen. …mehr

  • Chrome 4, Firefox 3.6 & Co.

    Alle aktuellen Browser im Benchmark

    Firefox 3.6 ist erschienen. Gelegenheit für uns, die Geschwindigkeit aller aktuellen Browser zu testen. …mehr

  • AT&T and Verizon execs tout LTE plans

    Technologists from AT&T and Verizon Wireless today outlined their respective company's LTE plans during a Web conference sponsored by the GSM Alliance. At the end, neither had showed that their firm held a significant advantage over the other. …mehr

  • Make Firefox 3.6 Open New Tabs the Way Firefox 3.5 Did

    Since the dawn of Firefox time, new tabs have opened at the far right of the tab bar. But with the introduction of Firefox 3.6, which was pushed out a few weeks ago, new tabs open to the immediate right of the current selected tab. …mehr

  • Washing Machine 2 scrubs browser leftovers

    Have you ever worried what could be learned about your Internet habits just by taking a look at the information that your browser leaves on your hard drive? …mehr

  • News analysis: Google, partners have clout to make smart TV a reality

    With said to be working with and Sony to develop a way to bring the best of the Internet to television, industry analysts wonder if the . …mehr

  • Max and the Magic Marker

    One of the reasons why I like playing videogames are the God-like abilities I am bestowed with. There's a certain feeling of omnipotence when I control a pudgy plumber as he saves a WASPy princess, or resurrecting my World War II soldier  unscathed as he continues fighting Nazi forces. In Press Play's , however, the only thing my hand wields is a giant orange marker, whose drawings can magically come to life. I also get to control the movements of protagonist Max, but Max isn't capable of much. So when he struggles to climb over a wall that's too tall, I must divinely intervene and draw a small step to help poor Max. Instead of feeling omnipotent, I end up feeling a bit paternal. …mehr

  • Wall Street Beat: Tech pushes Nasdaq to 18-month high

    Growing confidence has pushed the value of IT company shares up to levels not seen since late 2008, when the implosion of Wall Street sucked the air out of credit markets and dried up technology sales. …mehr

  • Canon pulls EOS 5D Mark II firmware update

    Canon has the new EOS 5D Mark II , just days after its initial release. The much anticipated update added a host of new video capabilities to the Mark II, including manual control over audio recording levels--something that was previously only possible with a third-party device. …mehr

  • Axis introduces smart video surveillance with new cameras

    Axis Communications is securing locations with its new small and smart AXIS M1054 Network Camera. The company has included HDTV image quality and smart video surveillance features in this cost-effective device that is both intuitive and reliable. …mehr

  • Gartner: China's biz software market to grow 14.6 percent

    China's enterprise software market is forecast to maintain its strong performance, with an estimated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.6 per cent from 2008 to 2013, said Gartner. …mehr

  • AT&T happy to play it cool with LTE

    isn't sweating the fact that rival Verizon will be the first U.S. carrier to offer  …mehr

  • Commodore 64 awakes from slumber with makeover

    The vintage Commodore 64 personal computer is getting a makeover, with a new design and some of the latest computing technologies, as the brand gets primed for a comeback. …mehr

  • Microsoft being evil and a CMS being very, very good.

    I usually admire Microsoft in equal measure to how much it annoys me, but today the balance is seriously in favor of annoyance. The reason? I foolishly installed Microsoft's Office Live Workspace Beta some time ago and then got sidetracked. Thus it was that I ignored the system … at least until it removed my Autotext entries. …mehr

  • McAfee launches programme for added security in the cloud

    Security technology company McAfee has announced a programme for Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) providers to add additional security to their cloud deployments.  …mehr

  • Logic Pro, Express updated to 9.1.1

    With the , Apple's pro audio software made the historic jump to becoming a 64-bit application on Snow Leopard. Thursday's smooths over a few things. …mehr

  • European tweaks delay new Grand Theft Auto PS3 & PC release

    Rockstar Games is delaying the PlayStation 3 and PC release of Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City slightly to make some tweaks to the in-game radio station, television, and internet content in the European version. Read on for rescheduled dates. …mehr

  • YouTube accuses Viacom of uploading infringing content

    Remember that court case from 2007 in which  in damages for hosting infringing content on YouTube? As of Thursday morning, several legal documents from that billion dollar case have . Now, there're a few new twists to the case. …mehr

  • The top 6 enterprise issues for Windows Phone 7

    Sometime in the next few weeks, will reveal features, services and shortcomings for Windows Phone 7 in the enterprise. It will be one of those good news/bad news moments for corporate IT departments. …mehr

  • Lenovo Thinkpad X100e

    is a thin and light ultraportable laptop aimed primarily at business users interested in a compact laptop to use while on the go. It has a 11.6-inch form factor (like many of ), comes with an excellent keyboard and touchpad, and a matte screen.  …mehr

  • Tailored enterprise security solutions needed: Trend Micro

    The rapidly evolving information technology threat landscape means enterprises are now demanding tailored security solutions across physical, cloud computing and virtualised environments, according to IT risk and compliance specialists Trend Micro. …mehr

  • LG GW620

    LG has finally jumped on to the Android bandwagon with the GW620 smartphone with a hardware keyboard. Let's see how the LG holds up in our tests.The GW620 comes packed with features including Wi-Fi, GPS and 3G support. It has a reasonably sized 3 inch screen and a 5 megapixel camera with flash. It has all standard ports, using a 3.5mm jack for headphones and a microUSB port. The LG has 150MB of internal memory and comes with a 2GB microSD card. The phone uses Android v1.5 and LG has added a bunch of extra applications. One of these is the Social Networking Service Manager (SNS) that lets you manage your Facebook, Twitter and Bebo accounts from a single application. If your company has a Microsoft Exchange Account setup then the GW620 offers an entire suite of Moxier applications that let you sync your tasks, schedules, contacts and mails with your company's server. The phone also has a Quickoffice suite that lets you open Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents. Of course, the great advantage of any Android phone is its excellent integration with Google Mobile Services and availability of apps through Android Market. Using the GW620, you can sync your phone and Google contacts, check your Gmail account, chat on GTalk or get navigation using Google Maps. If you cannot find an app for something you need, chances are you will find it on the excellent Android marketplace, which is simpler to use than even the iPhone's app store.Like the , the GW620's design is portly thanks to the slide-out keyboard. The model we received used glossy black plastic, a metallic frame and a matte silver back. Its looks will not win it any awards and it is quite heavy. However, I couldn't ascertain any problems with its build quality and there are no unwanted creaks or shakes and even the keyboard slides out smoothly. Also, the LG's 3.0-inch screen could have been much better especially under sunlight where it becomes almost entirely illegible. The GW620's five row keyboard is certainly one of the best I've come across on a phone. The keys are large and separated to make typing very efficient. With respect to the UI, the GW620 gives you two options- the default Android interface or the LG interface that makes the Android UI look like LG's own S-class interface. However, unlike what HTC has done with its Sense UI in the Tattoo, LG's modifications don't add up to much. The interface is slightly sluggish and I could feel that sluggishness when scrolling through the menu or lists. This gets aggravated when accessing applications as there is an overlong pause. However, none of these issues warrant too much criticism. What needs to be criticized is the phone's call quality which made voices sound over sharp but tiny.I had no problems using the phone's default browser to surf the Web. Sites like and looked fine on the browser although it doesn't support Flash content. If you want to watch YouTube videos though, you can use the stand-alone YouTube app. The GW620's 5MP camera is hugely disappointing. It has terrible focusing issues and its auto-focus didn't work more than half of the time during my test. In fact, I was forced to shoot most pictures in macro mode since that was the only way the camera could focus on something. The LG does offer a number of features for shooting pictures but the images are average. The videos I recorded were quite poor too.On the other hand, like on other LG phones, the GW620 has very good music playback. Audio playback is sufficiently loud and clear and with a decent pair of earphones, it should please most users. The LG boasts of "out of the box" DivX and XviD support but the truth is that it only supports videos at 480x360 resolution. Therefore, you will still need an external media converter to be able to watch most movies on the phone. Video playback is acceptable and I didn't notice any frame-rate issues. …mehr

  • Estonia defense minister: Cyberattacks will grow

    Due to a reporting error, the story, "Estonia defense minister: Cyberattacks will grow," posted Wednesday, misstated the direction of Russia relative to Estonia. Russia is Estonia's eastern neighbor. The story has been corrected on the wire and the fourth paragraph now reads: …mehr

  • Google, Viacom snarl at each other over YouTube case

    Google and Viacom exchanged corporate unpleasantries on Thursday after the release of previously sealed documents in Viacom's three-year-old lawsuit against Google alleging copyright infringement on YouTube. …mehr

  • Palm CEO: We could have been bigger than Droid

    If Palm's WebOS products had gone on sale at Verizon before Motorola's Droid, Palm's fortunes today would be very different, the company's CEO said Thursday during its third-quarter earnings call. " …mehr

  • The FBI on Facebook: Watching every move you make

    It seems 2010 may be the year personal privacy makes a comeback -- that, or it's taking its final breath before it sinks into the tarpits. Every week brings news of some new affront to our personal data, accompanied by a backlash. Lately these stories have been bubbling up on an almost daily basis. …mehr

  • The case for the 3G-capable iPad

    We're roughly two weeks out from the arrival of the , and the pre-orders are apparently pouring in. So far, most of the focus has been on the three Wi-Fi versions of the device, mostly because those of us who want to get our hands on an iPad don't want to wait until later in April, when the 3G-capable models arrive. …mehr

  • IBM, insurer develop 'eHarmony for the call center'

    IBM and insurance provider Assurant Solutions have come up with a project that, in the manner of dating services like eHarmony, uses analytics to match up call center callers with the most appropriate representative. …mehr

  • Twitter hit by site outage

    Users of popular micro-blogging service Twitter have been unable to access the site since just after 3am GMT Wednesday (11pm EDT/8pm PDT Tuesday). …mehr

  • Child porn, drugs lead Internet content complaints in Japan

    Complaints to a Japanese Internet watchdog regarding illegal content almost doubled in 2009, led by a surge in reports related to child pornography and illegal drugs. …mehr

  • Game design professor beta tests a new grading system

    An assistant professor at Indiana University is trying something new for his classes in game design: teaching classes as massively multiplayer online games. Among other things, this means students gain experience points instead of receiving traditional letter grades. …mehr

  • Twitter hit by site outage

    Users of popular micro-blogging service Twitter were unable to access the site for almost 30 minutes early Wednesday. …mehr

  • Estonia defense minister: Cyberattacks will grow

    Three years after a widespread cyberattack temporarily shut down the Estonian economy, Estonia's defense minister said such incidents will only continue to grow. …mehr

  • Report: Google TV is coming to your living room

    Google is working with Intel, Sony and other partners to develop Google TV, a service aimed at putting the Internet search giant's Web offerings in people's living rooms, the New York Times reported Wednesday. …mehr

  • Hosted Drupal CMS planned for midyear

    Acquia hopes to make a hosted version of its Drupal open-source content management system widely available in about three months, the company's CTO said Wednesday. …mehr

  • Twisted Pixel explodes with new Comic Jumper information

    As one of the hottest and most intriguing new developers in the gaming industry, we were genuinely surprised about the silence of Twisted Pixel (the developers of and 'Splosion Man) at GDC 2010. Turns out they were saving their big unveiling for this month's fan-focused events. The company's newest game, a side-scrolling brawler called Comic Jumper: The Adventures of Captain Smiley, debuted at the South by Southwest festival in Austin Texas this week, and will also be out in full force at PAX East next weekend. The game does not have a release date or system set yet, but Twisted Pixel's latest release states that "the company's goal is to create inspiring and memorable character-driven games for consoles." Given the developer's history with Xbox Live Arcade, seeing the game on that downloadable service seems like a safe bet. …mehr

  • Report: Apple director York hospitalized

    Jerome York, a 13-year-veteran of Apple's board of directors, has been hospitalized after suffering a brain aneurysm, according to a . The , citing a person familiar with the matter, says that York is "in very serious condition" at Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital in Pontiac, Mich. …mehr

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