Meldungen vom 30.05.2006

  • Neuropower bietet kostenlose Enterprise-Suchmaschine

    Die in Bonn ansässige NeuroPower Technologies GmbH gibt im Zuge eines Produktwechsels das KI-Tool Content Surveyor ohne Lizenzkosten ab. …mehr

  • EU-Studie: Europäer hinken den Amerikanern in Sachen IKT weit hinterher

    Die Europäer investieren zu wenig in Forschung und Entwicklung, außerdem scheuen Unternehmen technische Innovationen und riskieren so ihre Produktivität. …mehr

  • Bitkom: Steuern sparen mit Internet und PC

    Anlässlich der auslaufenden Frist für die Abgabe der Einkommensteuererklärung für das Jahr 2005 weist der Bitkom auf Möglichkeiten hin, wie Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitgeber mit Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik Steuern sparen können.  …mehr

  • Pilotprojekt für Handy-TV gestartet

    Vier deutsche Mobilfunkanbieter haben ein gemeinsames Handy-TV-Pilotprojekt gestartet. Ausgewählte Nutzer in vier deutschen Großstädten können ab sofort über den digitalen Übertragungsstandard DVB-H (Digital Video Broadcasting - Handheld) Inhalte empfangen. …mehr

  • MSN zögert beim Deutschlandstart von "Ad Center"

    Microsofts neues Suchmaschinen-Marketing-Programm "Ad Center" wird Presseberichten zufolge in Deutschland möglicherweise nicht an den Start gehen.  …mehr

  • T-Systems: Neue Paketangebote für Geschäftskunden

    T-Systems bietet Geschäftskunden eine Reihe neuer vorkonfigurierte Hard- und Software-Pakete zum Festpreis. …mehr

  • Automatisierte Sprachdienste zur Fußball-WM

    Die T-Com bietet zur Fußball-WM unter anderem einen sprachgesteuerten Weckdienst mit der Stimme von Kevin Kuranyi. …mehr

  • "TIFFCapture" unterstützt PDF/A

    Die Scanner-Erfassungssoftware "TIFFCapture" der Scanpoint Europe GmbH unterstützt nun auch den ISO-Standard für die Langzeitarchivierung PDF/A. Dafür nutzt der Anbieter die Technologie des Kompressionsspezialisten LuraTech Europe GmbH. …mehr

  • Lancom: Gratis LCOS-Upgrade

    Die Lancom Systems GmbH bietet ein kostenfreies Upgrade des LCOS Betriebssystems für ihre Router zum Download an. …mehr

  • In Teilbereichen setzt BMW auf SupplyOn

    Neben dem Abruf von Prototypteilen nutzt der Autobauer die Plattform auch für die Serielogistik. …mehr

  • Der Erfinder revisionssicherer Speicher bietet EMC Paroli

    Der Belgier Paul Carpentier verkaufte seine Firma Filepool einst an den Speicherspezialisten EMC, der daraus den revisionssicheren Speicher "Centera" entwickelte. Jetzt will er mit der Neugründung Caringo erneut EMC herausfordern. …mehr

  • M-Commerce: eco will einheitliche Selbstkontrolle

    Der eco Verband der deutschen Internetwirtschaft hat eine übergreifende und einheitliche Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle im Mobile-Commerce gefordert. …mehr

  • Exchange-Tools greifen zu kurz

    Zusatzwerkzeuge für den Groupware-Server geben einen detaillierten Einblick in die Leistung, drohende Gefahren und Systemprobleme. Vier von ihnen kamen jetzt auf den Prüfstand. …mehr

  • Vodafone stürzt sich aufs Festnetz

    Neue Strategie, neue Struktur, mehr Dividende, weniger Zukäufe: Der Mobilfunkkonzern muss reagieren, weil seine Kernmärkte gesättigt sind. …mehr

  • Firmen vernachlässigen Lizenzfragen im Intranet

    Nur knapp mehr als die Hälfte (54 Prozent) der Verantwortlichen für das Firmen-Intranet ist sich über die ausreichende Lizenzierung der Website im Klaren. In Bezug auf das Internet haben Unternehmen dagegen inzwischen ausreichend Problembewusstsein entwickelt.  …mehr

  • CA verschiebt den Jahresabschluss

    Das dritte Quartal muss neu berechnet werden, die Aktie gibt nach. …mehr

  • RFID-Chip verhindert Fehlmedikamentierung

    Die Universitätsklinik Jena implementiert ein Tracking-System auf Netweaver-Basis. …mehr

  • The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo in den Startlöchern

    Der dritte Teil der The Fast and the Furious-Reihe ist ab sofort für Handys erhältlich ? wie viele aktuelle Games für ausgewählte Mobiltelefone auch in einer 3D-Version. …mehr

  • Progress bringt Dashboard für Business Activity Monitoring

    Das neue "Apama Dashboard Studio" bietet Funktionen zur Visualisierung, Überwachung und Steuerung elektronischer Handelssysteme in Echtzeit. …mehr

  • Surfcontrol verstärkt Marketing-Team

    Daniel Heck soll dabei helfen, die Company weg von einem rein produktorientierten Ansatz hin zu einem Lösungsanbieter zu positionieren. …mehr

  • Auslagerung spart 15 Prozent

    Abzüglich aller Beratungs-, Transaktions- und Management-Kosten ergibt sich unterm Strich eine nicht zu verachtende Entlastung. …mehr

  • SAP und Tata vertiefen Partnerschaft

    Die Inder wollen den Geschäftszweig mit SAP-Beratung weiter ausbauen. …mehr

  • Tausche Telefonminuten gegen Werbung

    Ein neuer Dienst in den USA richtet sich an Jugendliche mit Liquiditätsengpässen. …mehr

  • Studie: Mainframe-Software ist noch immer teuer

    Unflexible Preismodelle treiben die Kosten für Großrechneranwendungen in die Höhe, kritisiert die Wiesbadener Unternehmensberatung Compass. …mehr

  • Segway plant den Börsengang

    Das Symbol der New Economy findet immer noch Kunden. …mehr

  • AT&T ernennt Vertriebschef für Zentraleuropa

    Frank Pieper soll das Netzgeschäft des Carriers in dem wichtigen Markt ausbauen helfen. …mehr

  • Snom wird Asterisk-Partner

    Der Berliner VoIP-Telefonhersteller Snom Technology ist ab sofort zertifizierter Premiumpartner der Digium Inc. …mehr

  • SAP geht mit ESA auf die Zielgerade

    Im Endspurt zu einer Service-orientierten Architektur (SOA) gilt es für das Softwareunternehmen, Partner um sich zu scharen und endlich die Kunden zu überzeugen. …mehr

  • Bank schützt Kunden vor Viren

    Zudem führt Barclays einen SMS-Service ein, der Kunden über Abbuchungen von ihrem Konto informiert. …mehr

  • Download-Link tarnt sich als Bezugsquelle für "neuen Microsoft-Patch"

    Betrügerische E-Mail lotst zu einer Malware-Site. …mehr

  • Die Telekom gibt Stephan Schambach Geld

    T-Venture beteiligt sich an Demandware und setzt auf E-Commerce. …mehr

  • Weiterbildung bindet Mitarbeiter an Firma

    Wer sich parallel zum Job weiterbilden will, hat hierzulande gute Karten. Fast 80 Prozent der Unternehmen übernehmen voll oder teilweise die Kosten für eine Qualifizierung der Mitarbeiter. …mehr

  • Stan Laurent verlässt AOL Europe

    Nach geplatzter Thronfolge tritt der für das Tagesgeschäft des Internet-Anbieters in Europa zuständige Manager enttäuscht ab. …mehr

  • Abschreibungen in Milliardenhöhe belasten Vodafone

    Beim Neukundenwachstum fällt der Konzern in Deutschland hinter die Konkurrenz zurück. …mehr

  • Künftiger Nokia-Chef prüft Zukäufe

    Der Konzern will mehr als nur die traditionelle Mobiltelefonie anbieten und steht vor einem Strategiewechsel. …mehr

  • QSC bestätigt die Prognosen

    Ende des Jahres sollen Nettogewinne erzielt werden. …mehr

  • Ebay wird zum Artenschützer

    Für die Versteigerung von Elfenbein und Jaguarfell ist eine Vermarktungsgenehmigung nötig. …mehr

  • QuickStudy: Struts

    In his blog, Craig McClanahan recounts how, when he joined Sun Microsystems Inc. in 2000, he continued to support the development of an open-source application project. As part of that effort, he needed to take a U.S.-centric application and produce it in four languages and make it available to European users on the Web and through other channels. …mehr

  • Geek's Garden

    Wearable sensors to enhance soldier's field observations …mehr

  • IDC: Data overtakes voice wireless revenues in 2005

    Philippine mobile operators collected more revenues from data services than voice-based services last year, according to analyst IDC. This paves the way for an even more competitive landscape as service providers give more focus on value-added services (VAS). …mehr

  • Malware challenges in a cross-platform world

    Back in the early days of computing, nodes of computer networks largely consisted of mainframes and minicomputers. Users accessed the network only by means of a terminal connected to the mainframe. In fact, back in the late 1970s, my first "real" job was assembling terminals to be used within mainframe environments. …mehr

  • News briefs: Ballmer says Vista may be further delayed

    The launch of the consumer version of Windows Vista, Microsoft Corp.'s new operating system, could be pushed back past the stated January launch date, according to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. Vista was first slated to ship in 2006, but in March delivery was pushed back to January 2007. Ballmer said that the launch may slip as a result of feedback from a beta release program and product road maps of hardware vendors. …mehr

  • Global staff means closer look at managing requirements

    The continuing worldwide broadening of software development organizations -- either with internal employees dispersed geographically or through the use of offshore outsourcers -- is further forcing IT operations to improve requirements management processes. …mehr

  • Communications bodies merge under ACIF banner

    The Australian Communications Industry Forum (ACIF) and the Australian Voice Over IP Association have agreed to merge. …mehr

  • Microsoft: Word Flaw doesn't need fast fix

    Microsoft Corp. last week advised users to run Word in "safe mode" to help guard against a Trojan horse program that seeks to exploit an unpatched vulnerability in the word processing software. The company said it will issue a patch as part of its monthly security update on June 13, or earlier if necessary. Bret Arsenault, Microsoft's chief security adviser and general manager of U.S. enterprise security, spoke with Computerworld about why the software vendor currently doesn't see the need to release an out-of-cycle fix for the flaw. …mehr

  • How to be a better blogger and keep your day job

    Blogs are everywhere these days, to be sure. So when I posted on Computerworld's blog a request for tips from the pros, I got flooded with information and plenty of tips -- not unlike what happens in the real world with blogs themselves. …mehr

  • News briefs: Qualcomm sues Nokia in UK court

    Qualcomm Inc. has filed a new patent-infringement lawsuit against mobile phone maker Nokia Corp., this time in the U.K. The lawsuit, which charges that Nokia has infringed on two Qualcomm patents, is an extension of legal action Qualcomm brought against Nokia in the U.S. late last year. Qualcomm is seeking an injunction against Nokia and damages for phones already sold. …mehr

  • Shine the light and see things change

    Sometimes it feels as if there's a new, high-profile data security breach every week. According to the ID Theft Resource Center, in 2005 alone, there were 152 reported incidents of data theft in the U.S., affecting 57.7 million people. So far in 2006, there have been twice as many, thanks in large part to a growing number of stolen or lost laptops. …mehr

  • Dell to double local call center workforce

    Pleased by the high quality of labor in the Philippines, PC maker Dell plans to double the size of its local call center workforce to 1,400 employees to support its global expansion. …mehr

  • Executive briefs

    Lane named CIO at National Grid …mehr

  • IT looks to halt user, developer clashes

    As users persist in their gripes that applications built by corporate developers don't meet their needs, IT managers are increasingly turning to tools and processes that can ease requirements definition and management efforts. …mehr

  • News briefs: Open-source Jitterbit debuts

    Jitterbit Inc. has released its eponymous data integration software. Jitterbit runs on Linux and Windows and allows users to connect XML, databases, and simple and hierarchical files through various transport protocols. The company offers a free community edition of Jitterbit and a professional version that starts at US$9,995 per server per year. Both versions are aimed at small and midsize companies. …mehr

  • Apple's new MacBook: What price beauty?

    Much has been made of Apple Computer Inc.'s decision to introduce glossy LCD screens with its new MacBooks and offer the top-end model of its most popular laptop line in black as a US$200 option. …mehr

  • 3DR -- a new way of thinking about data recovery

    Q: I recently heard you speak about 3DR as a new way to think about backup and recovery, can you elaborate? -- J.M., Kansas City, MO. …mehr

  • Focus on ROI too limiting, Intel CIO says

    In a keynote speech at Mobile & Wireless World, Intel Corp. CIO John Johnson detailed a five-year, US$25 million initiative aimed at increasing the mobility of workers via laptops, smart phones and related applications. Johnson spoke with Computerworld after his talk; excerpts follow: …mehr

  • Panel: Business, not technology, should be IT focus

    A CIO's work should spread far beyond a corporate IT department, suggested a panel of IT leaders from the retail industry at the Retail Systems 2006 conference in Chicago last week. …mehr

  • How to: Building a vendor scorecard

    When Jim Healey, vice president and CIO at Affymetrix Inc., joined the biotechnology firm in February, the first thing he did was ask for a list of all the Santa Clara, Calif.-based company's IT vendors, sorted by the dollar amount of business that had been conducted with them in the past two years. …mehr

  • Managers' forum

    Welcome to the Managers' Forum! I hope this monthly column will provide a lively exchange of ideas with IT managers. I'll do my best to answer your questions, and some of your responses will run alongside in "Readers Talk Back." Please send your questions, comments and critiques to me at …mehr

  • Frankly Speaking: The Real VA Fix

    This is Memorial Day in the U.S., a day set aside for honoring Americans who died fighting for their country. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs got an early start on the celebration last week by announcing that personal data on 26.5 million U.S. veterans was recently stolen, exposing them to possible identity theft. …mehr

  • Cool wireless stuff

    Sure, mobile devices make us more productive and offer help in emergencies. And using them beats being tethered to an outlet. But the best wireless devices are also fun. Maybe it's because they're cool to look at, or perhaps it's that they're enjoyable to use. But practical isn't enough for the road warrior/gadgeteer. Here are some favorite wireless products (and services) nominated by Computerworld's staff. If you've got recommendations of your own, send them to …mehr

  • Wireless apps pay off in unexpected ways

    Attendees at Computerworld's Mobile & Wireless World conference in Orlando last week heard some tales of unexpected benefits that don't show up on corporate balance sheets -- such as catching crooks and saving the lives of workers. …mehr

  • The user's view: Customer-centric innovation

    When David Lindahl added a new position to his unit, he didn't hire a programmer, a business analyst or a network administrator. He hired an anthropologist. …mehr

  • Shark Tank

    Not quite what he planned …mehr

  • News briefs: Symantec antivirus app hit by bug

    Security researchers at eEye Digital Security Inc. have discovered a serious flaw in Symantec Corp.'s enterprise antivirus software that could be used by hackers to create a self-replicating worm attack against Symantec users. The vendor is evaluating eEye's claims and "if necessary, will provide a prompt response and solution," a Symantec spokesman said late last week. Versions 10 and higher of Symantec's enterprise antivirus software are affected by the flaw. …mehr

  • Paper cuts

    Paper has been around in one form or another for 5,000 years. Paper money has been the preferred medium of exchange for business transactions for about 1,000 years. For the past 30 years, organizations have been trying -- with limited success -- to eliminate paper from business processes. …mehr

  • Get serious about vacations

    It was another beautiful, sunny day in Napa. The grape leaves in the vineyard around the office were a sheer, pale green, catching the light as I entered our building. I whizzed by my boss's admin on my way to my desk. She uncharacteristically called out my name. Giving me a puzzled look, she asked if I was going to be on vacation in June. Yes, I answered. Well, she inquired, was I planning on participating in our team-building session -- the one I had planned -- by phone? …mehr

  • Users continue RFID debate

    The debate over the maturity of radio frequency identification technology continued at Computerworld's Mobile & Wireless World conference in Orlando last week, with some attendees touting the positive impact RFID has had at their companies and others saying that the technology still has obstacles to overcome. …mehr

  • Microsoft ups security in Vista

    A Microsoft official said last week that encryption and policy-control functions being built into Windows Vista are designed to make it easier for corporate users to protect themselves against data compromises such as the one disclosed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs last Monday. …mehr

  • IBM, HP unveil multicore servers

    The single-core processor is apparently all but history, as major server vendors Hewlett-Packard Co. and IBM last week brought out new systems based on Intel Corp.'s dual-core chips. …mehr

  • Global Dispatches: An international IT news digest

    EU slow to progress on 'digital economy' …mehr

  • Philippines president: Technology will aid outsourcing

    As the world 'gets flatter,' the better the Philippines will be able to create a 'new economy.' …mehr

  • Card fraudsters set a cracking pace

    Some 12 online credit card fraud networks are in operation today with active traders on some Web sites numbering between 7000 and 9000, according to a U.S. Secret Service agent going by the name of Jake Jacobson. …mehr

  • ACS weighs in on national security debate

    A greater emphasis on end user training is needed if the government wants to improve the national e-security agenda, according to the Australian Computer Society's (ACS) submission to the Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts in its review of the E-Security National Agenda. …mehr

  • NZ united IT body slouches forward

    The long-heralded ICTNZ (Information and Communications Technology New Zealand) alliance is inching closer to becoming a reality. …mehr

  • Vendor support call for e-health standards

    The first awareness program into standards development for Australia's Electronic Health Record (EHR) initiative has called for more vendor involvement into developing standards as part of the 2006 National e-Health Transition Authority (Nehta) projects. …mehr

  • Aussie firm finds Skype flaw

    Australian security firm Ltd. has discovered a flaw with the install of the Windows-based Skype Ltd. client. …mehr

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